[КНИГА][B] Handbook of approximation algorithms and metaheuristics

TF Gonzalez - 2007 - taylorfrancis.com
Delineating the tremendous growth in this area, the Handbook of Approximation Algorithms
and Metaheuristics covers fundamental, theoretical topics as well as advanced, practical …

The design of competitive online algorithms via a primal–dual approach

N Buchbinder, JS Naor - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2009 - nowpublishers.com
The primal–dual method is a powerful algorithmic technique that has proved to be extremely
useful for a wide variety of problems in the area of approximation algorithms for NP-hard …

Online primal-dual algorithms for covering and packing

N Buchbinder, J Naor - Mathematics of Operations …, 2009 - pubsonline.informs.org
We study a wide range of online covering and packing optimization problems. In an online
covering problem, a linear cost function is known in advance, but the linear constraints that …

An approximation scheme for stochastic linear programming and its application to stochastic integer programs

DB Shmoys, C Swamy - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2006 - dl.acm.org
Stochastic optimization problems attempt to model uncertainty in the data by assuming that
the input is specified by a probability distribution. We consider the well-studied paradigm of …

Stochastic optimization is (almost) as easy as deterministic optimization

DB Shmoys, C Swamy - 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Stochastic optimization problems attempt to model uncertainty in the data by assuming that
(part of) the input is specified in terms of a probability distribution. We consider the well …

Online primal-dual algorithms for covering and packing problems

N Buchbinder, J Naor - European Symposium on Algorithms, 2005 - Springer
We study a wide range of online covering and packing optimization problems. In an online
covering problem a linear cost function is known in advance, but the linear constraints that …

Covering problems with hard capacities

J Chuzhoy, J Naor - SIAM Journal on Computing, 2006 - SIAM
We consider the classical vertex cover and set cover problems with hard capacity
constraints. This means that a set (vertex) can cover only a limited number of its elements …

Approximation algorithms for covering/packing integer programs

SG Kolliopoulos, NE Young - Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2005 - Elsevier
Given matrices A and B and vectors a, b, c and d, all with non-negative entries, we consider
the problem of computing min {cTx: x∈ Z+ n, Ax⩾ a, Bx⩽ b, x⩽ d}. We give a bicriteria …

Stochastic covering and adaptivity

M Goemans, J Vondrák - Latin American symposium on theoretical …, 2006 - Springer
We introduce a class of “stochastic covering” problems where the target set X to be covered
is fixed, while the “items” used in the covering are characterized by probability distributions …

[PDF][PDF] Greedy set-cover algorithms (1974-1979, chvátal, johnson, lovász, stein)

NE Young - Encyclopedia of algorithms, 2008 - cs.ucr.edu
Given a collection S of sets over a universe U, a set cover C⊆ S is a subcollection of the sets
whose union is U. The set-cover problem is, given S, to find a minimum-cardinality set cover …