Exploring Privacy and Incentives Considerations in Adoption of {COVID-19} Contact Tracing Apps
Mobile Health (mHealth) apps, such as COVID-19 contact tracing and other health-
promoting technologies, help support personal and public health efforts in response to the …
promoting technologies, help support personal and public health efforts in response to the …
Bounce in the Wild: A Deep Dive into Email Delivery Failures from a Large Email Service Provider
Abnormal email bounces seriously disrupt user lives and company transactions.
Proliferating security protocols and protection strategies have made email delivery …
Proliferating security protocols and protection strategies have made email delivery …
Forward pass: On the security implications of email forwarding mechanism and policy
The critical role played by email has led to a range of extension protocols (eg, SPF, DKIM,
DMARC) designed to protect against the spoofing of email sender domains. These protocols …
DMARC) designed to protect against the spoofing of email sender domains. These protocols …
Crisis, ethics, reliability & a measurement. network: Reflections on active network measurements in academia
T Fiebig - Proceedings of the 2023 Applied Networking Research …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Network measurements are a necessary component of assessing real-world protocol use to
inform the development of new and improvement of old protocols and standards. However …
inform the development of new and improvement of old protocols and standards. However …
Unfiltered: Measuring cloud-based email filtering bypasses
Email service has increasingly been outsourced to cloud-based providers and so too has
the task of filtering such messages for potential threats. Thus, customers will commonly …
the task of filtering such messages for potential threats. Thus, customers will commonly …
13 propositions on an internet for a" burning world"
In this paper, we outline thirteen propositions on the state of the Internet and digital
infrastructures. The core of our theses is that the centralizing Internet of today will not be …
infrastructures. The core of our theses is that the centralizing Internet of today will not be …