Theory of AlN, GaN, InN and their alloys

M Van Schilfgaarde, A Sher, AB Chen - Journal of crystal growth, 1997‏ - Elsevier
This review focuses on the fundamental properties of III–V compound semiconductors from a
theoretical or computational standpoint. Its purpose is to summarize the contributions of …

The fundamental surface science of wurtzite gallium nitride

VM Bermudez - Surface Science Reports, 2017‏ - Elsevier
A review is presented that covers the experimental and theoretical literature relating to the
preparation, electronic structure and chemical and physical properties of the surfaces of the …

[ספר][B] Handbook of nitride semiconductors and devices, Materials Properties, Physics and Growth

H Morkoç - 2009‏ -
The three volumes of this handbook treat the fundamentals, technology and nanotechnology
of nitride semiconductors with an extraordinary clarity and depth. They present all the …

Density-functional calculations for III-V nitrides using the local-density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation

C Stampfl, CG Van de Walle - Physical Review B, 1999‏ - APS
We have performed density-functional calculations for III-V nitrides using the
pseudopotential plane-wave method where the d states of the Ga and In atoms are included …

Elastic constants and related properties of tetrahedrally bonded BN, AlN, GaN, and InN

K Kim, WRL Lambrecht, B Segall - Physical Review B, 1996‏ - APS
The results of first-principles full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital calculations of the elastic
constants and related structural and electronic properties of BN, AlN, GaN, and InN in both …

Effects of cation states on the structural and electronic properties of III-nitride and II-oxide wide-band-gap semiconductors

A Janotti, D Segev, CG Van de Walle - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2006‏ - APS
Using first-principles methods based on density functional theory within the local density
approximation (LDA) we calculate the structural and electronic properties of wurtzite MgO …

I–II–V and I–III–IV half-Heusler compounds for optoelectronic applications: Comparative ab initio study

S Kacimi, H Mehnane, A Zaoui - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014‏ - Elsevier
We have investigated structural, electronic and optical properties of 96 half-Heusler
materials, including compounds of I–II–V and I–III–IV types using first-principles calculations …

Study of oxygen chemisorption on the GaN (0001)‐(1× 1) surface

VM Bermudez - Journal of applied physics, 1996‏ -
Clean, ordered GaN (0001)‐(1× 1) surfaces are prepared by sputtering with nitrogen ions
followed by annealing in ultrahigh vacuum. The surfaces are subsequently exposed at room …

Hollow cathode plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of crystalline AlN, GaN and Al x Ga 1− x N thin films at low temperatures

C Ozgit-Akgun, E Goldenberg, AK Okyay… - Journal of Materials …, 2014‏ -
The authors report on the use of hollow cathode plasma for low-temperature plasma-
assisted atomic layer deposition (PA-ALD) of crystalline AlN, GaN and AlxGa1− xN thin films …

Effective masses and valence-band splittings in GaN and AlN

K Kim, WRL Lambrecht, B Segall, M Van Schilfgaarde - Physical Review B, 1997‏ - APS
Full-potential (FP) linearized muffin-tin orbital (LMTO) calculations within the local density
approximation are used to determine the conduction and valence-band effective mass …