The prefrontal cortex, pathological anxiety, and anxiety disorders
Anxiety is experienced in response to threats that are distal or uncertain, involving changes
in one's subjective state, autonomic responses, and behavior. Defensive and physiologic …
in one's subjective state, autonomic responses, and behavior. Defensive and physiologic …
[HTML][HTML] Don't fear 'fear conditioning': Methodological considerations for the design and analysis of studies on human fear acquisition, extinction, and return of fear
The so-called 'replicability crisis' has sparked methodological discussions in many areas of
science in general, and in psychology in particular. This has led to recent endeavours to …
science in general, and in psychology in particular. This has led to recent endeavours to …
[PDF][PDF] Estrés laboral, ansiedad y miedo al COVID-19 en médicos generales colombianos
Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en Sistema de Inform Page 1 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información … Sistema de Inform Page 1 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información …
The role of associative fear and avoidance learning in anxiety disorders: Gaps and directions for future research
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders and are often chronic and
disabling. Although exposure-based treatments are effective, a substantial number of …
disabling. Although exposure-based treatments are effective, a substantial number of …
Fear generalization and anxiety: behavioral and neural mechanisms
Fear can be an adaptive emotion that helps defend against potential danger. Classical
conditioning models elegantly describe how animals learn which stimuli in the environment …
conditioning models elegantly describe how animals learn which stimuli in the environment …
A meta-analysis of conditioned fear generalization in anxiety-related disorders
Generalization of conditioned fear is adaptive in some situations but maladaptive when fear
excessively generalizes to innocuous stimuli with incidental resemblance to a genuine …
excessively generalizes to innocuous stimuli with incidental resemblance to a genuine …
[HTML][HTML] Fear in the context of pain: Lessons learned from 100 years of fear conditioning research
A Meulders - Behaviour research and therapy, 2020 - Elsevier
Human fear conditioning research since Watson's case study on “Little Albert” has vastly
evolved and its impact today is reaching far beyond phobic anxiety. This review focuses on …
evolved and its impact today is reaching far beyond phobic anxiety. This review focuses on …
Children are more exploratory and learn more than adults in an approach-avoid task
Intuitively, children appear to be more exploratory than adults, and this exploration seems to
help children learn,. However, there have been few clear tests of these ideas. We test …
help children learn,. However, there have been few clear tests of these ideas. We test …
[HTML][HTML] Avoidance and its bi-directional relationship with conditioned fear: Mechanisms, moderators, and clinical implications
Fear motivates different types of defensive behaviors. These behaviors are, however, not
mere byproducts of fear. In this review, we highlight a bi-directional relationship between …
mere byproducts of fear. In this review, we highlight a bi-directional relationship between …
Anxiety and hippocampal neuronal activity: Relationship and potential mechanisms
The hippocampus has been implicated in modulating anxiety. It interacts with a variety of
brain regions, both cortical and subcortical areas regulating emotion and stress responses …
brain regions, both cortical and subcortical areas regulating emotion and stress responses …