Dark matter, dark energy, and alternate models: A review
The nature of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) which is supposed to constitute about
95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas …
95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas …
The string landscape, the swampland, and the missing corner
We give a brief overview of the string landscape and techniques used to construct string
compactifications. We then explain how this motivates the notion of the swampland and …
compactifications. We then explain how this motivates the notion of the swampland and …
Constraints on anisotropic properties of the universe in f (Q, T) gravity theory
Motivated by anomalies in cosmic microwave background observations, we investigate the
implications of f (Q, T) gravity in Bianchi type-I spacetime, aiming to characterize the …
implications of f (Q, T) gravity in Bianchi type-I spacetime, aiming to characterize the …
Thin accretion disc luminosity and its image around rotating black holes in perfect fluid dark matter
M Heydari-Fard, S Ghassemi Honarvar… - Monthly Notices of …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Motivated by the fact that the universe is dominated by dark matter and dark energy, we
consider rotating black holes surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter and study the accretion …
consider rotating black holes surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter and study the accretion …
Updating constraints on f(T) teleparallel cosmology and the consistency with big bang nucleosynthesis
We focus on viable f (T) teleparallel cosmological models, namely power law, exponential,
and square-root exponential, carrying out a detailed study of their evolution at all scales …
and square-root exponential, carrying out a detailed study of their evolution at all scales …
Modeling cosmic acceleration with a generalized varying deceleration parameter
Understanding the accelerating expansion of the Universe remains a fundamental
challenge in modern cosmology. In this paper, we investigate a cosmological model …
challenge in modern cosmology. In this paper, we investigate a cosmological model …
Stability of the flat FLRW metric in gravity
In this paper, we investigate the stability of the flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker
metric in f (T) gravity. This is achieved by analyzing the small perturbations, δ about the …
metric in f (T) gravity. This is achieved by analyzing the small perturbations, δ about the …
IWDM: the fate of an interacting non-cold dark matter—vacuum scenario
In most cosmological models, the equation of state of the dark matter is assumed to be zero,
which means that the dark matter is pressure-less or cold. While this hypothesis is based on …
which means that the dark matter is pressure-less or cold. While this hypothesis is based on …
Exploring Universe acceleration through observational constraints via Hubble parameter reconstruction
In this article, we introduce an innovative parametric representation of the Hubble
parameter, providing a model-independent means to explore the dynamics of an …
parameter, providing a model-independent means to explore the dynamics of an …
Cosmological models with a hybrid scale factor
In this paper, we present some cosmological models with a hybrid scale factor (HSF) in the
framework of general relativity (GR). The HSF fosters an early deceleration as well as a late …
framework of general relativity (GR). The HSF fosters an early deceleration as well as a late …