[HTML][HTML] Progress in understanding of Indian Ocean circulation, variability, air–sea exchange, and impacts on biogeochemistry
Over the past decade, our understanding of the Indian Ocean has advanced through
concerted efforts toward measuring the ocean circulation and air–sea exchanges, detecting …
concerted efforts toward measuring the ocean circulation and air–sea exchanges, detecting …
Fluid dynamics challenges in predicting plastic pollution transport in the ocean: A perspective
Plastic pollution has been observed throughout the world's oceans and estuaries, whether
floating at the surface, settled in bottom sediments, washed up on beaches, or ingested by …
floating at the surface, settled in bottom sediments, washed up on beaches, or ingested by …
Submesoscale processes and mixing
In this chapter, we discuss the links between oceanic submesoscale (100 m–10 km)
processes and mixing. Submesoscale currents occur on lateral scales of 100 m–10 km in …
processes and mixing. Submesoscale currents occur on lateral scales of 100 m–10 km in …
The scale and activity of symmetric instability estimated from a global submesoscale-permitting ocean model
Symmetric instability (SI) extracts kinetic energy from fronts in the surface mixed layer (SML),
potentially affecting the SML structure and dynamics. Here, a global submesoscale …
potentially affecting the SML structure and dynamics. Here, a global submesoscale …
Modifying the mixed layer eddy parameterization to include frontogenesis arrest by boundary layer turbulence
Current submesoscale restratification parameterizations, which help set mixed layer depth in
global climate models, depend on a simplistic scaling of frontal width shown to be unreliable …
global climate models, depend on a simplistic scaling of frontal width shown to be unreliable …
Submesoscales are a significant turbulence source in global ocean surface boundary layer
The turbulent ocean surface boundary layer is a key part of the climate system affecting both
the energy and carbon cycles. Accurately simulating the boundary layer is critical in …
the energy and carbon cycles. Accurately simulating the boundary layer is critical in …
Submesoscale fronts in the Antarctic marginal ice zone and their response to wind forcing
Submesoscale flows in the ocean are energetic motions, O (1–10 km), that influence
stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed …
stratification and the distributions of properties, such as heat and carbon. They are believed …
Wind‐forced symmetric instability at a transient mid‐ocean front
Mooring and glider observations and a high‐resolution satellite sea surface temperature
image reveal features of a transient submesoscale front in a typical mid‐ocean region of the …
image reveal features of a transient submesoscale front in a typical mid‐ocean region of the …
Bay of Bengal intraseasonal oscillations and the 2018 monsoon onset
Abstract In the Bay of Bengal, the warm, dry boreal spring concludes with the onset of the
summer monsoon and accompanying southwesterly winds, heavy rains, and variable air …
summer monsoon and accompanying southwesterly winds, heavy rains, and variable air …
Submesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Bengal: Inversions and instabilities
High resolution shipboard observations reveal the complex processes controlling the
evolution and subduction of a cold and salty, dense filament in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). The …
evolution and subduction of a cold and salty, dense filament in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). The …