Beyond passion and perseverance: Review and future research initiatives on the science of grit
JAD Datu - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 -
Grit, which is originally conceptualized as passion and perseverance for long-term goals,
has been associated with optimal performance. Although previous meta-analytic and …
has been associated with optimal performance. Although previous meta-analytic and …
Temperament and the development of personality.
MK Rothbart, SA Ahadi - Journal of abnormal psychology, 1994 -
Presents a psychobiological approach to personality development, incorporating
developmental principles outlined by RB Cairns (1979). The authors review individual …
developmental principles outlined by RB Cairns (1979). The authors review individual …
A meta‐analytic test of redundancy and relative importance of the dark triad and five‐factor model of personality
We examined the relationships between M achiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy—
the three traits of the D ark T riad (DT)—and the F ive‐F actor M odel (FFM) of personality …
the three traits of the D ark T riad (DT)—and the F ive‐F actor M odel (FFM) of personality …
[KNJIGA][B] The antisocial personalities
DT Lykken - 2013 -
This volume presents a scholarly analysis of psychopathic and sociopathic personalities and
the conditions that give rise to them. In so doing, it offers a coherent theoretical and …
the conditions that give rise to them. In so doing, it offers a coherent theoretical and …
[KNJIGA][B] Sensation seeking and risky behavior
M Zuckerman - 2007 -
This is the third book I have written on the topic of sensation seeking. The first described the
theoretical origins of the construct, the research on sensory deprivation that grew from the …
theoretical origins of the construct, the research on sensory deprivation that grew from the …
Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism in the Five-Factor Model and the HEXACO model of personality structure
We investigated the relations of the “Dark Triad” personality traits—Psychopathy,
Machiavellianism, and Narcissism—with the variables of the Five-Factor Model and the …
Machiavellianism, and Narcissism—with the variables of the Five-Factor Model and the …
Machiavellianism and psychopathy.
JW McHoskey, W Worzel, C Szyarto - Journal of personality and …, 1998 -
An integration of the Machiavellianism (MACH) and psychopathy constructs based on a
dimensional view of personality and personality disorders and a recognition of B. Karpman's …
dimensional view of personality and personality disorders and a recognition of B. Karpman's …
Categorical and dimensional models of personality disorder
TJ Trull, CA Durrett - Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol., 2005 -
We review major categorical and dimensional models of personality pathology, highlighting
advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. Several analytic and methodological …
advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. Several analytic and methodological …
Early identification of chronic offenders: Who is the fledgling psychopath?
DR Lynam - Psychological bulletin, 1996 -
In this article, the author highlights the need for early intervention for chronic offenders. He
reviews evidence suggesting that children who manifest symptoms of hyperactivity …
reviews evidence suggesting that children who manifest symptoms of hyperactivity …
Reconsidering the dispositional basis of counterproductive work behavior: The role of aberrant personality
J Wu, JM Lebreton - Personnel Psychology, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Interest in the study of aberrant behaviors has coincided with widely publicized scandals
involving unethical behaviors of individuals in organizations. Consequently, the literature in …
involving unethical behaviors of individuals in organizations. Consequently, the literature in …