Biotic homogenisation and differentiation as directional change in beta diversity: synthesising driver–response relationships to develop conceptual models across …
Biotic homogenisation is defined as decreasing dissimilarity among ecological assemblages
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
sampled within a given spatial area over time. Biotic differentiation, in turn, is defined as …
Scale-sensitivity in the measurement and interpretation of environmental niches
Species environmental niches are central to ecology, evolution, and global change
research, but their characterization and interpretation depend on the spatial scale …
research, but their characterization and interpretation depend on the spatial scale …
Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change
Recent assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and
the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services …
the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services …
The Atlantic Forest
MCM Marques, CEV Grelle - … Biodiversity, Threats and Opportunities of the …, 2021 - Springer
The object of curiosity and admiration of scientists and conservationists, the Brazilian
Atlantic Forest is scientifically explored in this book. Over the 23 chapters written by 149 …
Atlantic Forest is scientifically explored in this book. Over the 23 chapters written by 149 …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change will drive mammal species loss and biotic homogenization in the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot
J Hidasi-Neto, DC Joner, F Resende… - Perspectives in Ecology …, 2019 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic climate change has been shown to be one of the most pervasive threats to
biodiversity. However, few studies have considered its effects on whole communities. Here …
biodiversity. However, few studies have considered its effects on whole communities. Here …
Climate change and the future restructuring of Neotropical anuran biodiversity
Climate change is likely to impact multiple dimensions of biodiversity. Species range shifts
are expected and may drive changes in the composition of species assemblages. In some …
are expected and may drive changes in the composition of species assemblages. In some …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change promotes species loss and uneven modification of richness patterns in the avifauna associated to Neotropical seasonally dry forests
DA Prieto-Torres, A Lira-Noriega… - Perspectives in Ecology …, 2020 - Elsevier
We assessed the effects of global climate change as a driver of spatio-temporal biodiversity
patterns in bird assemblages associated to Neotropical seasonally dry forests (NSDF). For …
patterns in bird assemblages associated to Neotropical seasonally dry forests (NSDF). For …
speciesLink: rich data and novel tools for digital assessments of biodiversity
DAL Canhos, EAB Almeida, AL Assad… - Biota …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Abstract species Link is a large-scale biodiversity information portal that exists thanks to a
broad collaborative network of people and institutions. CRIA's involvement with the scientific …
broad collaborative network of people and institutions. CRIA's involvement with the scientific …
Climate change reshapes the eco‐evolutionary dynamics of a Neotropical seed dispersal system
Aim Global changes will redistribute biodiversity, resha** ecological interactions and
ecosystem processes. The decoupling in the distribution of plants and their mutualistic seed …
ecosystem processes. The decoupling in the distribution of plants and their mutualistic seed …
Primates facing climate crisis in a tropical forest hotspot will lose climatic suitable geographical range
Global climate changes affect biodiversity and cause species distribution shifts, contractions,
and expansions. Climate change and disease are emerging threats to primates, and …
and expansions. Climate change and disease are emerging threats to primates, and …