[PDF][PDF] Music information retrieval

JS Downie - Annual review of information science and technology, 2003 - music.mcgill.ca
Imagine a world where you walk up to a computer and sing the song fragment that has been
plaguing you since breakfast. The computer accepts your off-key singing, corrects your …

Music retrieval: A tutorial and review

N Orio - Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval, 2006 - nowpublishers.com
The increasing availability of music in digital format needs to be matched by the
development of tools for music accessing, filtering, classification, and retrieval. The research …

Content-based organization and visualization of music archives

E Pampalk, A Rauber, D Merkl - Proceedings of the tenth ACM …, 2002 - dl.acm.org
With Islands of Music we present a system which facilitates exploration of music libraries
without requiring manual genre classification. Given pieces of music in raw audio format we …

Polyphonic audio matching and alignment for music retrieval

N Hu, RB Dannenberg… - 2003 IEEE Workshop on …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We describe a method that aligns polyphonic audio recordings of music to symbolic score
information in standard MIDI files without the difficult process of polyphonic transcription. By …

Pattern discovery techniques for music audio

RB Dannenberg, N Hu - Journal of New Music Research, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Human listeners are able to recognize structure in music through the perception of repetition
and other relationships within a piece of music. This work aims to automate the task of music …

Toward automatic music audio summary generation from signal analysis

G Peeters, A La Burthe, X Rodet - ISMIR, 2002 - hal.science
This paper deals with the automatic generation of music audio summaries from signal
analysis without the use of any other information. The strategy employed here is to consider …

[PDF][PDF] Polyphonic audio matching for score following and intelligent audio editors

RB Dannenberg, N Hu - 2003 - kilthub.cmu.edu
Getting computers to understand and process audio recordings in terms of their musical
content is a difficult challenge. We describe a method in which general, polyphonic audio …

[CARTE][B] Using psycho-acoustic models and self-organizing maps to create a hierarchical structuring of music by sound similarity

A Rauber, E Pampalk, D Merkl - 2002 - Citeseer
With the advent of large musical archives the need to provide an organization of these
archives becomes eminent. While artist-based organizations or title indexes may help in …

The scientific evaluation of music information retrieval systems: Foundations and future

JS Downie - Computer Music Journal, 2004 - JSTOR
Music Information Retrieval (MIR) is a multidisci-plinary research endeavor that strives to
develop innovative content-based searching schemes, novel interfaces, and evolving …

The SOM-enhanced JukeBox: Organization and visualization of music collections based on perceptual models

A Rauber, E Pampalk, D Merkl - Journal of New Music Research, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
The availability of large music repositories calls for new ways of automatically organizing
and accessing them. While artist-based listings or title indexes may help in locating a …