Automated bioacoustics: methods in ecology and conservation and their potential for animal welfare monitoring
MP Mcloughlin, R Stewart… - Journal of the Royal …, 2019 -
Vocalizations carry emotional, physiological and individual information. This suggests that
they may serve as potentially useful indicators for inferring animal welfare. At the same time …
they may serve as potentially useful indicators for inferring animal welfare. At the same time …
Challenges and solutions for studying collective animal behaviour in the wild
Mobile animal groups provide some of the most compelling examples of self-organization in
the natural world. While field observations of songbird flocks wheeling in the sky or anchovy …
the natural world. While field observations of songbird flocks wheeling in the sky or anchovy …
[HTML][HTML] Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples
Automatic detection and classification of animal sounds has many applications in
biodiversity monitoring and animal behavior. In the past twenty years, the volume of digitised …
biodiversity monitoring and animal behavior. In the past twenty years, the volume of digitised …
Investigation of different CNN-based models for improved bird sound classification
Automatic bird sound classification plays an important role in monitoring and further
protecting biodiversity. Recent advances in acoustic sensor networks and deep learning …
protecting biodiversity. Recent advances in acoustic sensor networks and deep learning …
A methodological literature review of acoustic wildlife monitoring using artificial intelligence tools and techniques
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a significantly growing field in the environmental
sector due to its ability to solve problems, make decisions, and recognize patterns. The …
sector due to its ability to solve problems, make decisions, and recognize patterns. The …
Review on methods used for wildlife species and individual identification
This work presented a literature review on animal species and individual identification tools,
as well as animal monitoring capabilities. We gathered the literature to cover different …
as well as animal monitoring capabilities. We gathered the literature to cover different …
Sound-spectrogram based automatic bird species recognition using MLP classifier
R Pahuja, A Kumar - Applied Acoustics, 2021 - Elsevier
Bioacoustics play a major role in the field of ornithology, ecology, animal behaviour study,
habitat monitoring, species conservation and design of deterrent system. This work focusses …
habitat monitoring, species conservation and design of deterrent system. This work focusses …
Few-shot bioacoustic event detection: A new task at the dcase 2021 challenge
Few-shot bioacoustic event detection is a novel area of research that emerged from a need
in monitoring biodiversity and animal behaviour: to annotate long recordings, that experts …
in monitoring biodiversity and animal behaviour: to annotate long recordings, that experts …
Domestic cat sound classification using learned features from deep neural nets
YR Pandeya, D Kim, J Lee - Applied Sciences, 2018 -
Featured Application Domestic cats are ancient human pet animal that communicate
through generating sounds. Automatic animal sound classification creates a better human …
through generating sounds. Automatic animal sound classification creates a better human …
Use of acceleration and acoustics to classify behavior, generate time budgets, and evaluate responses to moonlight in free-ranging snowshoe hares
Technological miniaturization is driving a biologging revolution that is producing detailed
and sophisticated techniques of assessing individual behavioral responses to …
and sophisticated techniques of assessing individual behavioral responses to …