Design of Pico Hydro Power Plant Using an Impulse Turbine

PHJ Venkatesh, V Viswanadha… - … Systems and Innovative …, 2021 - Springer
The practical design of Pelton wheel and analysis is made to measure the flow rate of
rainwater entering into a small Pond by using a V-Notch weir. It was performed in a rural …

Conceptual design of gravitational water vortex turbine for green energy generation

J Camillus, EM Tokit, MAM Rosli… - Journal of Physics …, 2021 -
In this study, the conceptual design of a gravitational water vortex turbine has been
developed. The conceptual turbine was designed to extract the energy from the house …

Mechanical study of the regulation system of a Kaplan turbine blade

A López Pérez - 2024 -
The Kaplan turbine, a key technology within hydroelectric power plants, is renowned for its
adaptability to varying water flow conditions and its efficiency in generating power. This …

Outdoor Convenient Generator

K Othman - Multidisciplinary Applied Research and …, 2023 -
In Malaysia, the problem of crop damage caused by pests often occurs, especially at night.
Farmers often face this' nightmare'because their crops are their source of finance. Because …


D Dilipkumar, M Devraj, M Sanathara -
Hydropower turbines are revolving systems that transform potential energy into kinetic
energy or useable kinds of energy like mechanical power or electric power. In general …

Pregled dimenzioniranja Peltonove turbine

I Sušanj Čule, D Vračević, N Ožanić - Zbornik radova (Građevinski …, 2021 -
Sažetak Unutar ovoga rada biti će dan pregled dimenzioniranja Peltonove turbine. Kako se
pri radu turbine javljaju vrlo složeni uvjeti tečenja i fizikalni procesi, optimizacija i samo …