The dynamics of proactivity at work
As the organizational literature on specific proactive behaviors grows, researchers have
noted inefficiencies and redundancies in the separate study of different proactive behaviors …
noted inefficiencies and redundancies in the separate study of different proactive behaviors …
White-collar crime: A review of recent developments and promising directions for future research
SS Simpson - Annual Review of Sociology, 2013 -
White-collar crime is one of the least understood and arguably most consequential of all
crime types. This review highlights and assesses recent (primarily during the past decade) …
crime types. This review highlights and assesses recent (primarily during the past decade) …
When Harry fired Sally: The double standard in punishing misconduct
We examine gender differences in misconduct punishment in the financial advisory industry.
There is a “gender punishment gap”: following an incident of misconduct, female advisers …
There is a “gender punishment gap”: following an incident of misconduct, female advisers …
[KNYGA][B] Trusted criminals
DO Friedrichs - 2009 -
This edition of Trusted Criminals was written and went into production during 2008–2009, a
period in which the United States was experiencing its greatest economic crisis since the …
period in which the United States was experiencing its greatest economic crisis since the …
[KNYGA][B] White-collar crime: An opportunity perspective
ML Benson, SS Simpson - 2017 -
White-Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective analyzes white-collar crime within a
coherent theoretical framework. Using the opportunity perspective, which assumes that all …
coherent theoretical framework. Using the opportunity perspective, which assumes that all …
Gender and twenty-first-century corporate crime: Female involvement and the gender gap in Enron-era corporate frauds
DJ Steffensmeier, J Schwartz… - American Sociological …, 2013 -
We extend the scarce research on corporate crime to include gender by develo** and
testing a gendered focal concerns and crime opportunities framework that predicts minimal …
testing a gendered focal concerns and crime opportunities framework that predicts minimal …
The risk of financial fraud: a management perspective
Purpose A number of highly publicised scandals such as Enron, Lehman Brothers,
Parmalat, Satyam, Toshiba and 1MDB (to name a few) have heightened the awareness of …
Parmalat, Satyam, Toshiba and 1MDB (to name a few) have heightened the awareness of …
Fraudulent financial reporting: an application of fraud diamond to Toshiba's accounting scandal
P Demetriades, S Owusu-Agyei - Journal of Financial Crime, 2022 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine Toshiba's fraudulent financial reporting in
relation to the fraud diamond (pressure, opportunity, rationalisation and capability) …
relation to the fraud diamond (pressure, opportunity, rationalisation and capability) …
Bad to the bone: Empirically defining and measuring destructive leader behavior
CN Thoroughgood, BW Tate… - … of Leadership & …, 2012 -
Although destructive leader behavior is an increasingly popular area of study, little is known
about its content or dimensionality at a broad level. In this study, an inventory of destructive …
about its content or dimensionality at a broad level. In this study, an inventory of destructive …
Examining fraud risk factors on asset misappropriation: evidence from the Iranian banking industry
Purpose The paper aims at examining the influences of the elements of fraud diamond on
the asset misappropriation within the banking industry of Iran. Primary data were collected …
the asset misappropriation within the banking industry of Iran. Primary data were collected …