Continental crustal growth processes recorded in the Gangdese Batholith, southern Tibet
The continental crust in the overriding plate of the India-Asia collision zone in southern Tibet
is characterized by an overthickened layer of felsic composition with an underlying granulite …
is characterized by an overthickened layer of felsic composition with an underlying granulite …
Tibetan ore deposits: A conjunction of accretionary orogeny and continental collision
This paper reviews the spatial-temporal distribution, geological and geochemical features,
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
Reconstructing crustal thickness evolution from europium anomalies in detrital zircons
A new data compilation shows that in intermediate to felsic rocks, zircon Eu/Eu*[chondrite
normalized Eu/] correlates with whole rock La/Yb, which has been be used to infer crustal …
normalized Eu/] correlates with whole rock La/Yb, which has been be used to infer crustal …
Towards a universal model for orogenic gold systems: A perspective based on Chinese examples with geodynamic, temporal, and deposit-scale structural and …
Although the term orogenic gold has become widely accepted over the past 20 years for
disseminated-to lode-style gold deposits that formed in a variety of tectonic environments …
disseminated-to lode-style gold deposits that formed in a variety of tectonic environments …
Crustal magmatic controls on the formation of porphyry copper deposits
Porphyry deposits are large, low-grade metal ore bodies that are formed from hydrothermal
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
fluids derived from an underlying magma reservoir. They are important as major sources of …
How to make porphyry copper deposits
Much of the world's economic copper resources are hosted in porphyry copper deposits
(PCDs), shallow level magmatic intrusions associated mostly with thick (> 45 km) magmatic …
(PCDs), shallow level magmatic intrusions associated mostly with thick (> 45 km) magmatic …
Europium anomalies in zircon: a signal of crustal depth?
Trace element concentrations and ratios in zircon provide important indicators of the
petrological processes that operate in igneous and metamorphic systems. In granitoids, the …
petrological processes that operate in igneous and metamorphic systems. In granitoids, the …
Quantifying crustal thickness over time in magmatic arcs
We present global and regional correlations between whole-rock values of Sr/Y and La/Yb
and crustal thickness for intermediate rocks from modern subduction-related magmatic arcs …
and crustal thickness for intermediate rocks from modern subduction-related magmatic arcs …
Raising the Gangdese mountains in southern Tibet
The surface uplift of mountain belts is in large part controlled by the effects of crustal
thickening and mantle dynamic processes (eg, lithospheric delamination or slab breakoff) …
thickening and mantle dynamic processes (eg, lithospheric delamination or slab breakoff) …
Rejuvenation of ancient micro-continents during accretionary orogenesis: Insights from the Yili Block and adjacent regions of the SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Abstract In the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), whether substantial juvenile additions
associated with accretionary orogenesis are preserved is still a pending issue. The Yili Block …
associated with accretionary orogenesis are preserved is still a pending issue. The Yili Block …