[HTML][HTML] Quantitative map** of the brain's structural connectivity using diffusion MRI tractography: A review
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography is an advanced imaging
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
technique that enables in vivo reconstruction of the brain's white matter connections at …
Recognition of white matter bundles using local and global streamline-based registration and clustering
Virtual dissection of diffusion MRI tractograms is cumbersome and needs extensive
knowledge of white matter anatomy. This virtual dissection often requires several inclusion …
knowledge of white matter anatomy. This virtual dissection often requires several inclusion …
[HTML][HTML] TractSeg-Fast and accurate white matter tract segmentation
The individual course of white matter fiber tracts is an important factor for analysis of white
matter characteristics in healthy and diseased brains. Diffusion-weighted MRI tractography …
matter characteristics in healthy and diseased brains. Diffusion-weighted MRI tractography …
An anatomically curated fiber clustering white matter atlas for consistent white matter tract parcellation across the lifespan
This work presents an anatomically curated white matter atlas to enable consistent white
matter tract parcellation across different populations. Leveraging a well-established …
matter tract parcellation across different populations. Leveraging a well-established …
[HTML][HTML] Superficial white matter: A review on the dMRI analysis methods and applications
The map** of human brain connections is still an on going task. Unlike deep white matter
(DWM), which has been extensively studied and well documented, superficial white matter …
(DWM), which has been extensively studied and well documented, superficial white matter …
Diffusion MRI tractography for neurosurgery: the basics, current state, technical reliability and challenges
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography is currently the only imaging
technique that allows for non-invasive delineation and visualisation of white matter (WM) …
technique that allows for non-invasive delineation and visualisation of white matter (WM) …
Clustering of whole-brain white matter short association bundles using HARDI data
Human brain connectivity is extremely complex and variable across subjects. While long
association and projection bundles are stable and have been deeply studied, short …
association and projection bundles are stable and have been deeply studied, short …
[HTML][HTML] FFClust: Fast fiber clustering for large tractography datasets for a detailed study of brain connectivity
Automated methods that can identify white matter bundles from large tractography datasets
have several applications in neuroscience research. In these applications, clustering …
have several applications in neuroscience research. In these applications, clustering …
Evolution of human brain atlases in terms of content, applications, functionality, and availability
WL Nowinski - Neuroinformatics, 2021 - Springer
Human brain atlases have been evolving tremendously, propelled recently by brain big
projects, and driven by sophisticated imaging techniques, advanced brain map** …
projects, and driven by sophisticated imaging techniques, advanced brain map** …
Diffusion mri with machine learning
D Karimi, SK Warfield - Imaging Neuroscience, 2024 - direct.mit.edu
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) of the brain offers unique
capabilities including noninvasive probing of tissue microstructure and structural …
capabilities including noninvasive probing of tissue microstructure and structural …