[PDF][PDF] An Overview of Event Extraction from Text.

F Hogenboom, F Frasincar, U Kaymak, F De Jong - DeRiVE@ ISWC, 2011‏ - pure.tue.nl
One common application of text mining is event extraction, which encompasses deducing
specific knowledge concerning incidents referred to in texts. Event extraction can be applied …

A survey of event extraction from text

W **ang, B Wang - IEEE Access, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Numerous important events happen everyday and everywhere but are reported in different
media sources with different narrative styles. How to detect whether real-world events have …

A survey of event extraction methods from text for decision support systems

F Hogenboom, F Frasincar, U Kaymak… - Decision Support …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Event extraction, a specialized stream of information extraction rooted back into the 1980s,
has greatly gained in popularity due to the advent of big data and the developments in the …

Analysis and design of computational news angles

E Motta, E Daga, AL Opdahl, B Tessem - IEEE Access, 2020‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A key skill for a journalist is the ability to assess the newsworthiness of an event or situation.
To this purpose journalists often rely on news angles, conceptual criteria that are used both …

Geo-spatial information and technologies in support of EU crisis management

DHA Al-Khudhairy - International Journal of Digital Earth, 2010‏ - Taylor & Francis
This paper discusses the challenges in operational crisis management and describes the
role of information and geo-spatial technologies in meeting those challenges. The paper …

[PDF][PDF] A simple bayesian modelling approach to event extraction from twitter

D Zhou, LY Chen, Y He - … of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the …, 2014‏ - aclanthology.org
With the proliferation of social media sites, social streams have proven to contain the most
up-to-date information on current events. Therefore, it is crucial to extract events from the …

Chinese news event 5W1H semantic elements extraction for event ontology population

W Wang - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on …, 2012‏ - dl.acm.org
To relieve" News Information Overload", in this paper, we propose a novel approach of
5W1H (who, what, whom, when, where, how) event semantic elements extraction for …

Events automatic extraction from Arabic texts

E Hkiri, S Mallat, M Zrigui - International Journal of Information …, 2016‏ - igi-global.com
The event extraction task consists in determining and classifying events within an open-
domain text. It is very new for the Arabic language, whereas it attained its maturity for some …

[PDF][PDF] Event extraction and representation model from news articles

BA Hordofa - International Journal of Innovations in Engineering …, 2020‏ - researchgate.net
Events are dynamic data structures that play a key role in understanding phenomena
happening in real world, which are basically driven by the 4Ws'(what, who, when, and …

[PDF][PDF] A Survey of Textual Event Extraction from Social Networks.

M Mejri, J Akaichi - LPKM, 2017‏ - ceur-ws.org
In the last decade, mining textual content on social networks to extract relevant data and
useful knowledge is becoming an omnipresent task. One common application of text mining …