Asymptotic security of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with a discrete modulation
We establish a lower bound on the asymptotic secret key rate of continuous-variable
quantum key distribution with a discrete modulation of coherent states. The bound is valid …
quantum key distribution with a discrete modulation of coherent states. The bound is valid …
Asymptotic security analysis of discrete-modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution
Continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV QKD) protocols with discrete modulation
are interesting due to their experimental simplicity and their great potential for massive …
are interesting due to their experimental simplicity and their great potential for massive …
Secret key rate of multi-ring M-APSK continuous variable quantum key distribution
Discrete modulation continuous variable quantum key distribution (DM-CV-QKD) is highly
considered in real implementations to avoid the complexity of Gaussian modulation (GM) …
considered in real implementations to avoid the complexity of Gaussian modulation (GM) …