[ספר][B] Noise: A flaw in human judgment
D Kahneman, O Sibony, CR Sunstein - 2021 - books.google.com
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the Nobel Prize-winning author of Thinking, Fast
and Slow and the coauthor of Nudge, a revolutionary exploration of why people make bad …
and Slow and the coauthor of Nudge, a revolutionary exploration of why people make bad …
Connecting and considering: Electrophysiology provides insights into comprehension
The ability to rapidly and systematically access knowledge stored in long‐term memory in
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
response to incoming sensory information—that is, to derive meaning from the world—lies at …
The effects of context on processing words during sentence reading among adults varying in age and literacy skill.
The facilitation of word processing by sentence context reflects the interaction between the
build-up of message-level semantics and lexical processing. Yet, little is known about how …
build-up of message-level semantics and lexical processing. Yet, little is known about how …
Examining the role of general cognitive skills in language processing: a window into complex cognition
When we use language, we combine sounds, signs, and letters into words that then form
sentences, which together tell a story. Both language production and language …
sentences, which together tell a story. Both language production and language …
Eye movements during text reading align with the rate of speech production
Across languages, the speech signal is characterized by a predominant modulation of the
amplitude spectrum between about 4.3 and 5.5 Hz, reflecting the production and processing …
amplitude spectrum between about 4.3 and 5.5 Hz, reflecting the production and processing …
Out of the corner of my eye: Foveal semantic load modulates parafoveal processing in reading.
In 2 experiments, we examined the impact of foveal semantic expectancy and congruity on
parafoveal word processing during reading. Experiment 1 utilized an eye-tracking gaze …
parafoveal word processing during reading. Experiment 1 utilized an eye-tracking gaze …
Investigating the generation and spread of numerical misinformation: A combined eye movement monitoring and social transmission approach
Numerical facts play a prominent role in public discourse, but individuals often provide
incorrect estimates of policy-relevant numerical quantities (eg, the number of immigrants in …
incorrect estimates of policy-relevant numerical quantities (eg, the number of immigrants in …
Contributions of left frontal and temporal cortex to sentence comprehension: Evidence from simultaneous TMS-EEG
Sentence comprehension requires the rapid analysis of semantic and syntactic information.
These processes are supported by a left hemispheric dominant fronto-temporal network …
These processes are supported by a left hemispheric dominant fronto-temporal network …
Baseball fans don't like lumpy batters: Influence of domain knowledge on the access of subordinate meanings
Two experiments investigated the effects of domain knowledge on the resolution of
ambiguous words with dominant meanings related to baseball. When placed in a sentence …
ambiguous words with dominant meanings related to baseball. When placed in a sentence …
Semantic and syntactic constraints in resolving homography: a developmental study in Hebrew
Abstract Effects of semantic versus syntactic constraints on resolution of Hebrew
heterophonic-homographic words were examined at three reading skill levels. Fourth-and …
heterophonic-homographic words were examined at three reading skill levels. Fourth-and …