The human life history is adapted to exploit the adaptive advantages of culture
Humans evolved from an ape ancestor that was highly intelligent, moderately social and
moderately dependent on cultural adaptations for subsistence technology (tools). By the late …
moderately dependent on cultural adaptations for subsistence technology (tools). By the late …
An evolutionary explanation for the female leadership paradox
Social influence is distributed unequally between males and females in many mammalian
societies. In human societies, gender inequality is particularly evident in access to …
societies. In human societies, gender inequality is particularly evident in access to …
Woman the hunter: The physiological evidence
Abstract Myths of “Man the Hunter” and male biological superiority persist in interpretations
and reconstructions of human evolution. Although there are uncontroversial average …
and reconstructions of human evolution. Although there are uncontroversial average …
Sperm whale clans and human societies
H Whitehead - Royal Society Open Science, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Sperm whale society is structured into clans that are primarily distinguished by vocal
dialects, which may be symbolic markers of clan identity. However, clans also differ in non …
dialects, which may be symbolic markers of clan identity. However, clans also differ in non …
Does gender structure social networks across domains of cooperation? An exploration of gendered networks among matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo
Cooperative networks are essential features of human society. Evolutionary theory
hypothesizes that networks are used differently by men and women, yet the bulk of evidence …
hypothesizes that networks are used differently by men and women, yet the bulk of evidence …
Gender disparities in material and educational resources differ by kinship system
Contemporary inequality exists at an unprecedented scale. Social scientists have
emphasized the role played by material wealth in driving its escalation. Evolutionary …
emphasized the role played by material wealth in driving its escalation. Evolutionary …
[BOOK][B] A story of us: A new look at human evolution
L Newson, P Richerson - 2021 - books.google.com
It's time for a story of human evolution that goes beyond describing" ape-men" and talks
about what women and children were doing. In a few decades, a torrent of new evidence …
about what women and children were doing. In a few decades, a torrent of new evidence …
Psychological adaptations for fitness interdependence underlie cooperation across human ecologies.
Humans evolved to solve adaptive problems with kin and nonkin across fitness-relevant
domains, including childcare and resource sharing, among others. Therefore, there is a …
domains, including childcare and resource sharing, among others. Therefore, there is a …
BaYaka forager food sharing networks in the Congo Basin: The roles of gender homophily and kin sharing
Objectives Food sharing is a costly form of cooperation that was likely critical to human
evolutionary success, including the emergence of human's life history strategy. Food sharing …
evolutionary success, including the emergence of human's life history strategy. Food sharing …
[HTML][HTML] Gender differences in social networks based on prevailing kinship norms in the Mosuo of China
Although cooperative social networks are considered key to human evolution, emphasis has
usually been placed on the functions of men's cooperative networks. What do women's …
usually been placed on the functions of men's cooperative networks. What do women's …