Student's t-based robust Kalman filter for a SINS/USBL integration navigation strategy

J Wang, T Zhang, B **, Y Zhu, J Tong - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020 -
In order to satisfy the requirements of the placement, the operation, and the high-precision
navigation and positioning for the underwater vehicles and the underwater operational …

A new bivariate dimension reduction method for efficient structural reliability analysis

J Xu, C Dang - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019 - Elsevier
This paper presents a new bivariate dimension reduction method (BDRM) for statistical
moments evaluation and structural reliability analysis with accuracy and efficiency. A high …

An efficient method for accessing structural reliability indexes via power transformation family

LW Zhang, C Dang, YG Zhao - Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023 - Elsevier
Evaluating the large reliability index of an implicit and nonlinear performance function (PF) is
still a challenging problem in practical engineering. To overcome this problem, an efficient …

Comparison of intrusive and nonintrusive polynomial chaos expansion-based approaches for high dimensional parametric uncertainty quantification and propagation

J Son, Y Du - Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
We present an uncertainty quantification (UQ) algorithm using the intrusive generalized
polynomial chaos (gPC) expansion in combination with dimension reduction techniques and …

A new adaptive robust unscented Kalman filter for improving the accuracy of target tracking

W Zhou, J Hou - IEEE Access, 2019 -
In target tracking, the tracking process needs to constantly update the data information.
However, during data acquisition and transmission of sensors, outliers may occur frequently …

A computationally efficient variational adaptive Kalman filter for transfer alignment

G Xu, Y Huang, Z Gao, Y Zhang - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020 -
To better solve the filtering problem of transfer alignment with an inaccurate measurement
noise covariance matrix, a novel computationally efficient version of existing variational …

A variational Bayesian based strong tracking interpolatory cubature Kalman filter for maneuvering target tracking

J Wang, T Zhang, X Xu, Y Li - IEEE access, 2018 -
In tracking a maneuverable target, a proper estimation method with better filtering accuracy,
stronger robustness, and faster convergence speed is crucial to the tracking system. The …

[HTML][HTML] A new adaptive high-degree unscented Kalman filter with unknown process noise

D Xu, B Wang, L Zhang, Z Chen - Electronics, 2022 -
Vehicle state, including location and motion information, plays an essential role on the
Internet of Vehicles (IoV). Accurately obtaining the system state information is the premise of …

Reliability analysis by combining higher-order unscented transformation and fourth-moment method

S **ao, Z Lu - ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in …, 2018 -
In this work, the fourth-moment method and the higher-order unscented transformation is
combined to calculate the failure probability. The higher-order unscented transformation is …

A maximum correntropy divided difference filter for cooperative localization

C Sun, Y Zhang, G Wang, W Gao - IEEE Access, 2018 -
This paper derives a new maximum correntropy divided difference filter (DDF) to address the
heavy-tailed measurement noise induced by non-Gaussian measurements in cooperative …