Plants' responses under drought stress conditions: Effects of strategic management approaches—A review

SR Ghadirnezhad Shiade, A Fathi… - Journal of plant …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Plant productivity is impacted by drought stress, which adversely affects their morphological
and physiological processes. In response, the plant activates its defense mechanisms, but …

Changes in whole grain polyphenols and antioxidant activity of six sorghum genotypes under different irrigation treatments

G Wu, SK Johnson, JF Bornman, SJ Bennett, Z Fang - Food Chemistry, 2017 - Elsevier
Sorghum grain containing elevated polyphenolic antioxidant content may provide foods with
benefits to human health. A study was undertaken to determine the potential role of irrigation …

Interpretation of genotype-environment-sowing date/plant density interaction in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in early mature regions of China

FC Gao, HD Yan, Y Gao, Y Huang, M Li… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 -
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is an important crop for food security in semiarid
and arid regions due to its high tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses and its good …

Yield and quality in main and ratoon crops of grain sorghum under different nitrogen rates and planting densities

Y Zhou, J Huang, Z Li, Y Wu, J Zhang… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 -
Ratooning is the cultivation practice of two harvests in one crop** season by producing a
second crop from the original stubble, which could provide higher resource use efficiency …

[PDF][PDF] Growth and yield assessment of two types of Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids as affected by deficit irrigation

AA Khalaf, L Issazadeh, ZA Abdullah… - Int. J. Agric. Biol …, 2019 -
In order to evaluate the growth and yield properties of two Sorghum-Sudangrass hybrids
under different irrigation levels, an investigation was done in the experiment site of Collage …

Sorgum'da farklı tohum miktarlarının verim öğeleri ile çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkileri

S Avcı, O İleri, MD Kaya - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen …, 2018 -
Bu çalışma, Eskişehir koşullarında artan tohumluk miktarlarının bazı tane sorgum çeşitlerinin
verim, verim öğeleri ile elde edilen tohumların çimlenme özellikleri üzerine etkisini …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of plant densities and nitrogen rates on yield and yield components of sorghum varieties (Sorghum bicolor. L Moench) in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia.

B Tilahun, G Jimayu - 2022 -
Plant density (PD) and nitrogen (N) fertilizer are considered the most important crop
management practices in improving sorghum grain yield. In line with this a field experiments …

[PDF][PDF] Impact on proline content of Jatropha curcas in fly ash amended soil with respect to heavy metals

S Raj, S Mohan - … Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 -
Objective: To reveal the property of Jatropha curcas, to retain itself under the heavy metal
stress of high concentration of fly ash through the increase in proline content in plants …

Production components and water use efficiency of corn under irrigation depths

FA dos Anjos, CAV de Azevedo… - Australian Journal of …, 2017 -
This study aims to analyze the production components and the water-use efficiency of corn
cultivated with irrigation depths, and also to verify the utilization of multivariate analysis is …


何万荣, 马东旺, 孙**, 席琳乔, 张鑫 - Feed Research, 2021 -
试验以南疆阿拉尔地区种植的14 种高粱属饲草为试验材料, 通过测定高粱属饲草的产草量,
粗蛋白(CP), 粗脂肪(EE), 酸性洗涤纤维(ADF), 中性洗涤纤维(NDF), 粗灰分(ash) 和淀粉(strach) …