Evaluating temporal relations in clinical text: 2012 i2b2 challenge
Abstract Background The Sixth Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2)
Natural Language Processing Challenge for Clinical Records focused on the temporal …
Natural Language Processing Challenge for Clinical Records focused on the temporal …
[PDF][PDF] Temporal information retrieval: Challenges and opportunities.
Time is an important dimension of any information space. It can be very useful for a wide
range of information retrieval tasks such as document exploration, similarity search …
range of information retrieval tasks such as document exploration, similarity search …
[PDF][PDF] Semeval-2016 task 12: Clinical tempeval
Clinical TempEval 2016 evaluated temporal information extraction systems on the clinical
domain. Nine sub-tasks were included, covering problems in time expression identification …
domain. Nine sub-tasks were included, covering problems in time expression identification …
Joint event and temporal relation extraction with shared representations and structured prediction
We propose a joint event and temporal relation extraction model with shared representation
learning and structured prediction. The proposed method has two advantages over existing …
learning and structured prediction. The proposed method has two advantages over existing …
A multi-axis annotation scheme for event temporal relations
Existing temporal relation (TempRel) annotation schemes often have low inter-annotator
agreements (IAA) even between experts, suggesting that the current annotation task needs …
agreements (IAA) even between experts, suggesting that the current annotation task needs …
Joint reasoning for temporal and causal relations
Understanding temporal and causal relations between events is a fundamental natural
language understanding task. Because a cause must be before its effect in time, temporal …
language understanding task. Because a cause must be before its effect in time, temporal …
What is event knowledge graph: A survey
Besides entity-centric knowledge, usually organized as Knowledge Graph (KG), events are
also an essential kind of knowledge in the world, which trigger the spring up of event-centric …
also an essential kind of knowledge in the world, which trigger the spring up of event-centric …
[PDF][PDF] SemEval-2010 Task 13: TempEval-2
Tempeval-2 comprises evaluation tasks for time expressions, events and temporal relations,
the latter of which was split up in four sub tasks, motivated by the notion that smaller …
the latter of which was split up in four sub tasks, motivated by the notion that smaller …
Dense event ordering with a multi-pass architecture
The past 10 years of event ordering research has focused on learning partial orderings over
document events and time expressions. The most popular corpus, the TimeBank, contains a …
document events and time expressions. The most popular corpus, the TimeBank, contains a …
TORQUE: A reading comprehension dataset of temporal ordering questions
A critical part of reading is being able to understand the temporal relationships between
events described in a passage of text, even when those relationships are not explicitly …
events described in a passage of text, even when those relationships are not explicitly …