Carbon science perspective in 2020: Current research and future challenges

A Bianco, Y Chen, E Frackowiak, M Holzinger… - Carbon, 2020 - Elsevier
In 2016 the Carbon Editors decided to open the first issue of the new year with an editorial
contribution to address the future challenges in carbon science. We are now conducting this …

Systematic review on the use of activated charcoal for gastrointestinal decontamination following acute oral overdose

LCG Hoegberg, G Shepherd, DM Wood… - Clinical …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction The use of activated charcoal in poisoning remains both a pillar of modern
toxicology and a source of debate. Following the publication of the joint position statements …

Quality by design approach for fabrication of extended-release buccal films for xerostomia employing hot-melt extrusion technology

RM Elkanayati, AY Darwesh, I Taha, H Wang… - European Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
The study endeavors the fabrication of extended-release adipic acid (APA) buccal films
employing a quality by design (QbD) approach. The films intended for the treatment of …

[HTML][HTML] Characterization techniques as supporting tools for the interpretation of biochar adsorption efficiency in water treatment: a critical review

M Castiglioni, L Rivoira, I Ingrando, M Del Bubba… - Molecules, 2021 -
Over the past decade, biochar (BC) has received significant attention in many environmental
applications, including water purification, since it is available as a low-cost by-product of the …


J Ronowicz-Pilarczyk - Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 2023 -
A good understanding of the physicochemical characteristics of a drug substance and
excipients is necessary to obtain a safe and effective drug dosage form. Based on the …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of experimental design methodology in the compatibility study of hydrocortisone with selected excipients used in solid dosage forms

J Ronowicz-Pilarczyk - Farmacia, 2021 -
The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness and the possibility of application of
experimental design methodology (DoE) in defining the qualitative composition of a …

[PDF][PDF] Blood glucose level after infusing an activated charcoal suspension for acute drug poisoning

M Amigó-Tadín, A Pané-Vila… - Emergencias, 2020 -
Objective. Activated charcoal in suspension contains 600 mg/mL of sucrose. We aimed to
assess the impact of an activated charcoal suspension on blood glucose levels in patients …

[PDF][PDF] Narzędzia budowania wiedzy o procesie wytwarzania produktu leczniczego w myśl koncepcji Quality by Design.

J Ronowicz - Farmacja Polska, 2019 -
Zmiana podejścia do problemu zapewnienia jakości w farmacji przemysłowej (koncepcja
QbD, strategia PAT), ukierunkowanie na poprawę jakości produktu leczniczego poprzez …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluación del impacto glucémico de una formulación líquida de carbón activado en pacientes con intoxicación medicamentosa aguda

MA Tadín, AP Vila, SN Xarau - Emergencias: Revista de la …, 2020 -
Objetivo. La suspensión líquida de carbón activado (CA) contiene como excipiente 600
mg/mL de sacarosa. Se evalúa el impacto glucémico de la administración de CA en …

[PDF][PDF] Letters in Applied NanoBioScience

R Nafdey, G Kaushik, S Telang, A Chel - Carbon -
There has been a growing interest to produce composite polymeric materialsusing natural
fibers as reinforcement. Scientists prefer natural fiber as a reinforced material to make …