Global university rankings: Metrics, performance, governance
MA Peters - Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
In the early 1990s I wrote a paper entitled 'Performance and accountability in “post-industrial
society”: The crisis of British universities'(Peters, 1992a; see also Peters, 1992b). It was the …
society”: The crisis of British universities'(Peters, 1992a; see also Peters, 1992b). It was the …
Revitalising the enterprise university post-COVID 19: a focus on business schools
Purpose The purpose of this study is to provide a polemic on the evolution of universities
and business schools over the past two decades. During this period, universities have …
and business schools over the past two decades. During this period, universities have …
'He who pays the piper calls the tune': university key performance indicators post COVID-19
BT O'Connell - Accounting Education, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper is analytical and primarily focuses at the individual academic level. It examines
the drive for academics to meet narrowly defined key performance indicators that is …
the drive for academics to meet narrowly defined key performance indicators that is …
A reappraisal of global university rankings' influence in Canada: a senior university leaders' perspective
E Adam - Journal of Further and Higher Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article contributes to the debate on university organisational actorhood by surveying the
drivers of university strategic behaviour and choice. Utilising organisational literature and …
drivers of university strategic behaviour and choice. Utilising organisational literature and …
[PDF][PDF] Global university rankings and geopolitics of knowledge
Email addresses: shahja95@ msu. edu (RA Shahjahan); baizhan1@ msu. edu (S.
Baizhanov) When we recently did a quick google search on “world university rankings,” over …
Baizhanov) When we recently did a quick google search on “world university rankings,” over …
[PDF][PDF] Living and learning: a new identity for student housing in city suburbs
OE Bellini, M Gambaro, M Mocchi - Regeneration of the Built …, 2020 - library.oapen.org
The role of student housing in academic formative paths is rapidly changing and increasing
in importance. According to international trends, university residencies are shifting their …
in importance. According to international trends, university residencies are shifting their …
Welcome to the world class university: introduction
Abstract The notion of World Class Universities, and the use of rankings in general, has
been an object of study for decades. Perhaps the first major critical work was Ellen …
been an object of study for decades. Perhaps the first major critical work was Ellen …
Do rankings promote academic excellence? World-class universities in perspective
J Salmi - Research Handbook on University Rankings, 2021 - elgaronline.com
In the past, the role of government in nurturing the growth of elite research universities was
not a critical factor. Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom (UK) evolved over the …
not a critical factor. Oxford and Cambridge in the United Kingdom (UK) evolved over the …
The World-Class Ordination: A Field Theory Approach to the Study of Global University Rankings
PA Lillo Cea - 2024 - diva-portal.org
Abstract Lillo Cea, PA 2024. The World-Class Ordination. A Field Theory Approach to the
Study of Global University Rankings. Studier i utbildnings-och kultursociologi 19. 255 pp …
Study of Global University Rankings. Studier i utbildnings-och kultursociologi 19. 255 pp …
An International and Comparative Perspective of the Academic Profession's Development: With a Focus on RTS Nexus in the World and Japan.
A Arimoto - Higher Education Forum, 2020 - ERIC
There is a hypothesis that Research-Teaching-Study Nexus (RTS Nexus) should be
developed as an ideal of modern university constantly since its proposition by Wilhelm …
developed as an ideal of modern university constantly since its proposition by Wilhelm …