Mechanical characterization of brain tissue in compression at dynamic strain rates
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when local mechanical load exceeds certain tolerance
levels for brain tissue. Extensive research has been done previously for brain matter …
levels for brain tissue. Extensive research has been done previously for brain matter …
Noninvasive measurement of local stress inside soft materials with programmed shear waves
Mechanical stresses across different length scales play a fundamental role in understanding
biological systems' functions and engineering soft machines and devices. However, it is …
biological systems' functions and engineering soft machines and devices. However, it is …
Extension, inflation and torsion of a residually stressed circular cylindrical tube
In this paper, we provide a new example of the solution of a finite deformation boundary-
value problem for a residually stressed elastic body. Specifically, we analyse the problem of …
value problem for a residually stressed elastic body. Specifically, we analyse the problem of …
[HTML][HTML] Bifurcation analysis of elastic residually-stressed circular cylindrical tubes
The theory of superimposed incremental elastic deformations is applied to a deformed
configuration of a residually-stressed circular cylindrical tube. The tube is subject to internal …
configuration of a residually-stressed circular cylindrical tube. The tube is subject to internal …
Heterogeneous growth-induced prestrain in the heart
Even when entirely unloaded, biological structures are not stress-free, as shown by YC
Fung׳ s seminal opening angle experiment on arteries and the left ventricle. As a result of …
Fung׳ s seminal opening angle experiment on arteries and the left ventricle. As a result of …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanical strength evaluation of elastic materials by multiphysical nondestructive methods: a review
H Huan, L Liu, A Mandelis, C Peng, X Chen, J Zhan - Applied Sciences, 2020 - mdpi.com
The main purpose of industrial nondestructive testing (NDT) is to diagnose the stability,
reliability and failure probability of materials, components and structures. Industrial …
reliability and failure probability of materials, components and structures. Industrial …
Residual stress and material symmetry
KR Rajagopal, A Wineman - International Journal of Engineering Science, 2024 - Elsevier
There seems to be a basic misconception in several recent papers concerning the material
symmetry of bodies in configurations that are pre-stressed. In this short paper we point to the …
symmetry of bodies in configurations that are pre-stressed. In this short paper we point to the …
Bulging of dielectric elastomer tubes considering residual stress and viscoelasticity
L Liu, Y Han, H Yong - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the impacts of residual stress and viscoelasticity on the bifurcation
and post-bifurcation behaviors of dielectric elastomer tube actuator (DETA) with finite …
and post-bifurcation behaviors of dielectric elastomer tube actuator (DETA) with finite …
Representing implicit elasticity from a residually stressed reference
S Mukherjee - International Journal of Engineering Science, 2024 - Elsevier
Implicit elasticity presents the general response of materials without imposing assumptions
at the fundamental level. A popular implausible assumption of continuum mechanics is that …
at the fundamental level. A popular implausible assumption of continuum mechanics is that …
Wrinkles in soft dielectric plates
We show that a smooth giant voltage actuation of soft dielectric plates is not easily obtained
in practice. In principle one can exploit, through pre-deformation, the snap-through behavior …
in practice. In principle one can exploit, through pre-deformation, the snap-through behavior …