The emergence of social media data and sentiment analysis in election prediction
This work presents and assesses the power of various volumetric, sentiment, and social
network approaches to predict crucial decisions from online social media platforms. The …
network approaches to predict crucial decisions from online social media platforms. The …
Echo chamber or public sphere? Predicting political orientation and measuring political homophily in Twitter using big data
This paper investigates political homophily on Twitter. Using a combination of machine
learning and social network analysis we classify users as Democrats or as Republicans …
learning and social network analysis we classify users as Democrats or as Republicans …
[CARTE][B] Qualitative research in digital environments: A research toolkit
A Caliandro, A Gandini - 2016 -
This book offers a toolkit of methods and technologies to undertake qualitative research on
digital spaces. Unlike commonly used traditional methodological strategies, which are …
digital spaces. Unlike commonly used traditional methodological strategies, which are …
Predicting elections from social media: a three-country, three-method comparative study
This study introduces and evaluates the robustness of different volumetric, sentiment, and
social network approaches to predict the elections in three Asian countries–Malaysia, India …
social network approaches to predict the elections in three Asian countries–Malaysia, India …
Analyzing polarization of social media users and news sites during political campaigns
Social media analysis is a fast growing research area aimed at extracting useful information
from social networks. Recent years have seen a great interest from academic and business …
from social networks. Recent years have seen a great interest from academic and business …
Online and social media data as an imperfect continuous panel survey
There is a large body of research on utilizing online activity as a survey of political opinion to
predict real world election outcomes. There is considerably less work, however, on using …
predict real world election outcomes. There is considerably less work, however, on using …
Using sentiment analysis to define twitter political users' classes and their homophily during the 2016 American presidential election
This paper proposes an analysis of political homophily among Twitter users during the 2016
American Presidential Election. We collected 4.9 million tweets of 18,450 users and their …
American Presidential Election. We collected 4.9 million tweets of 18,450 users and their …
Analyzing voter behavior on social media during the 2020 US presidential election campaign
Every day millions of people use social media platforms by generating a very large amount
of opinion-rich data, which can be exploited to extract valuable information about human …
of opinion-rich data, which can be exploited to extract valuable information about human …
The megaphone of the people? Spanish SentiStrength for real-time analysis of political tweets
Twitter is an important platform for sharing opinions about politicians, parties and political
decisions. These opinions can be exploited as a source of information to monitor the impact …
decisions. These opinions can be exploited as a source of information to monitor the impact …
Temporal graph learning for dynamic link prediction with text in online social networks
Abstract Link prediction in Online Social Networks—OSNs—has been the focus of numerous
studies in the machine learning community. A successful machine learning-based solution …
studies in the machine learning community. A successful machine learning-based solution …