Breaking through barriers: A systematic review of extended reality in education for the visually impaired
Education for those who are visually impaired usually relies on modified materials and
unique teaching methods. Nonetheless, the advent of Extended Reality marks a …
unique teaching methods. Nonetheless, the advent of Extended Reality marks a …
Celebrating 20 years of computer-based audio gaming
M Urbanek, F Güldenpfennig - … of the 14th International Audio Mostly …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
We look back on two decades of academic research on audio games. During this time, a
substantial amount of research has explored many facets of this special genre of computer …
substantial amount of research has explored many facets of this special genre of computer …
Unpacking the audio game experience: Lessons learned from game veterans
People with or without visual impairments play and enjoy audio games. While this genre of
computer games has attracted a strong fan base and some attention in HCI, little research …
computer games has attracted a strong fan base and some attention in HCI, little research …
[HTML][HTML] Audio legends: Investigating sonic interaction in an augmented reality audio game
Augmented Reality Audio Games (ARAG) enrich the physical world with virtual sounds to
express their content and mechanics. Existing ARAG implementations have focused on …
express their content and mechanics. Existing ARAG implementations have focused on …
Building a community of audio game designers-towards an online audio game editor
We introduce the Online Audio Game Editor (OAGE) which we have conceived to (a)
advance our understanding of audio games in general,(b) to investigate the audio game …
advance our understanding of audio games in general,(b) to investigate the audio game …
Towards a metaphor-based tangible toolkit for learning programming concepts
ACB Karlsen, TM Akerbæk, SK Stigberg - International Conference on …, 2022 - Springer
This paper reports from design research develo** a prototype for a metaphor-based
tangible toolkit reifying basic programming concepts. We elicit a list of metaphors using …
tangible toolkit reifying basic programming concepts. We elicit a list of metaphors using …
Physically Prototy** Physics for Play: Possibilities and Practicality
J Froehlich, B Horn - 2024 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Game designers commonly use paper prototy** to evaluate educational effectiveness,
enjoyment, flow, and usability, while also reducing costs and exploring alternative …
enjoyment, flow, and usability, while also reducing costs and exploring alternative …
In-visible Maze: Exploring Audio and Haptic Feedback in Non-visual Digital Maze
T Yu-Han - 2024 - aaltodoc.aalto.fi
Inspired by the heavy reliance on visuals in our daily entertainment, this thesis aims to
develop a tangible device to encourage the use of hearing and touch. From previous …
develop a tangible device to encourage the use of hearing and touch. From previous …
Creating audio games online with a browser-based editor
M Urbanek, F Güldenpfennig, M Habiger - Proceedings of the 14th …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Play has been identified as a fundamental human desire (see, eg, Huizinga's seminal work
on" Homo Ludens"). To little surprise then, people have also used sound in play and to …
on" Homo Ludens"). To little surprise then, people have also used sound in play and to …
Rethinking prototy** for audio games: On different modalities in the prototy** process
There are many similarities between prototy** for traditional computer games and
prototy** for other interactive systems, for example, applications for the work place. In …
prototy** for other interactive systems, for example, applications for the work place. In …