Strong computable type
DE Amir, M Hoyrup - Computability, 2023 -
A compact set has computable type if any homeomorphic copy of the set which is
semicomputable is actually computable. Miller proved that finite-dimensional spheres have …
semicomputable is actually computable. Miller proved that finite-dimensional spheres have …
Computability of products of chainable continua
We examine conditions under which a semicomputable set in a computable topological
space is computable. In particular, we examine topological pairs (A, B) with the following …
space is computable. In particular, we examine topological pairs (A, B) with the following …
Computability of glued manifolds
We examine conditions under which a semicomputable set in a computable topological
space is computable. In particular, we examine topological spaces that have computable …
space is computable. In particular, we examine topological spaces that have computable …
Computable subcontinua of semicomputable chainable Hausdorff continua
In the setting of computable topological spaces, we consider semicomputable, chainable
Hausdorff continua. If such a continuum S is decomposable, it can be computably …
Hausdorff continua. If such a continuum S is decomposable, it can be computably …
Computability of Topological Spaces
DE Amir - 2023 -
The main objective of this thesis is to examine the concept of" computable type" and
enhance our overall understanding of this notion, as well as provide techniques for verifying …
enhance our overall understanding of this notion, as well as provide techniques for verifying …
Computability of chainable graphs
Sažetak If every semicomputable set, in arbitrary computable topological space, which is
homeomorphic to a topological space A is computable, then we say that A has computable …
homeomorphic to a topological space A is computable, then we say that A has computable …
The surjection property and computable type
DE Amir, M Hoyrup - Topology and its Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
We provide a detailed study of two properties of spaces and pairs of spaces, the surjection
property and the ϵ-surjection property, that were recently introduced to characterize the …
property and the ϵ-surjection property, that were recently introduced to characterize the …
Computability of sets with attached arcs
Sažetak We consider topological spaces $ A $ which have computable type, which means
that any semicomputable set in a computable topological space which is homeomorphic to …
that any semicomputable set in a computable topological space which is homeomorphic to …
[PDF][PDF] Sets with strong computable type
DE Amir, M Hoyrup - Presentation at CCA, 2021 -
We are interested in topological compact pairs (∆, Σ), Σ Ç∆ which have computable type, ie
they satisfy the following property: if X is a computably Hausdorff space and f:∆→ X is a …
they satisfy the following property: if X is a computably Hausdorff space and f:∆→ X is a …
[PDF][PDF] Calculabilité des Espaces Topologiques Computability of Topological Spaces Thèse
Résumé L'oBJECtiF principal de cette these est d'examiner le concept de" type calculable"
et d'améliorer notre compréhension globale de cette notion, ainsi que de fournir des …
et d'améliorer notre compréhension globale de cette notion, ainsi que de fournir des …