Simulated and experimental study on the ultrasonic cutting mechanism of aluminum honeycomb by disc cutter

J Sun, R Kang, Y Qin, Y Wang, B Feng, Z Dong - Composite Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Aluminum honeycomb, as the core part of sandwich structure, has been widely used in
aeronautics and astronautics industry owing to its superior properties. Ultrasonic cutting has …

Tribological behavior of 3D printed biomimetic surfaces

S Mzali, F Elwasli, S Mezlini, K Hajlaoui… - Tribology …, 2024 - Elsevier
Tribological behavior of five different surfaces patterns, bioinspired from maize leaf skin,
shark skin, snakeskin, pitcher's structure and lizard skin, was investigated. Bioinspired …

Experimental and numerical study on scratch performance of additively manufactured continuous carbon fibre reinforced polyamide 6 composites

Z Man, B Wan, H Wang, Q Li, L Chang - Composites Science and …, 2022 - Elsevier
In the present work, scratch tests were conducted to study the surface deformation behaviour
of additively manufactured continuous carbon fibre (CF) reinforced polyamide 6 (PA6) …

Effects of initial surface topography and contact regimes on tribological behavior of AISI-52100/AA5083 materials' pair when reciprocating sliding

F Elwasli, S Mzali, F Zemzemi, A Mkaddem… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper discusses the effect of surface topography and lubrication on the tribological
behavior of AA5083 alloy for wide range of average roughness, R a. Reciprocating sliding …

Analysis of material removal process when scratching unidirectional fibers reinforced polyester composites

S Mzali, F Elwasli, F Zemzemi, S Mezlini… - … and Engineering of …, 2023 -
In this study, the micromechanical scratch behavior of unidirectional glass fiber reinforced
polyester (GFRP) using several wear conditions was highlighted. Single-indenter scratch …

Experimental investigation of tribological behavior of FDM-PLA surfaces

S Mzali, F Elwasli, S Mezlini… - Proceedings of the …, 2025 -
In the present study, the tribological behavior of 3D printed components manufactured with
different raster orientations [0°/90°],[+ 15°/− 75°],[+ 30°/− 60°] and [+ 45°/− 45°] was …

[PDF][PDF] Hybrid composite materials for ballistic protection. A numerical analysis

O Jitarasu - Review of the Air Force Academy, 2019 -
Starting from the basic element of projectile-armor competition, approaching impact
problems, applying the optimal elements synthesis in evaluation and results integration, the …

Frictional Behavior of the Snake Skin-Inspired Surfaces: Numerical Study

F Elwasli, S Mzali, S Mezlini - … Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems, 2023 - Springer
Bio-inspired textures have recently gained much attention due to their unique properties.
Understanding the correlation between bio-inspired textures and friction behavior is critical …

A Modified Johnson-Cook Model for Low-Carbon Steel, Including Grain Size Effect

GCM Dias, L Montanari, SH Evangelista - Including Grain Size Effect -
The miniaturization of components implies the development of a manufacturing process, and
studies on finite element analysis (FEA) have been conducted to simulate the behavior of …

On the Elementary Wear Mechanisms of UD-GFRP Composites Using Single Indenter Scratch Test

S Mzali, F Elwasli, A Mkaddem, S Mezlini - Design and Modeling of …, 2018 - Springer
This paper deals with the investigation of friction and wear mechanisms involved when
scratching parallel to fiber orientation of unidirectional glass fiber reinforced polymers (UD …