Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology

T Heindel, JH Kim, N Gregersen, A Rastelli… - Advances in Optics …, 2023‏ - opg.optica.org
The generation, manipulation, storage, and detection of single photons play a central role in
emerging photonic quantum information technology. Individual photons serve as flying …

Quantum communication using semiconductor quantum dots

DA Vajner, L Rickert, T Gao… - Advanced Quantum …, 2022‏ - Wiley Online Library
Worldwide, enormous efforts are directed toward the development of the so‐called quantum
internet. Turning this long‐sought‐after dream into reality is a great challenge that will …

[HTML][HTML] Progress in quantum-dot single photon sources for quantum information technologies: A broad spectrum overview

Y Arakawa, MJ Holmes - Applied Physics Reviews, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of various material systems are being heavily
researched for the development of solid state single photon emitters, which are required for …

High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources

P Senellart, G Solomon, A White - Nature nanotechnology, 2017‏ - nature.com
Single photons are a fundamental element of most quantum optical technologies. The ideal
single-photon source is an on-demand, deterministic, single-photon source delivering light …

Quantum interference of identical photons from remote GaAs quantum dots

L Zhai, GN Nguyen, C Spinnler, J Ritzmann… - Nature …, 2022‏ - nature.com
Photonic quantum technology provides a viable route to quantum communication,, quantum
simulation and quantum information processing. Recent progress has seen the realization of …

Hybrid integration methods for on-chip quantum photonics

JH Kim, S Aghaeimeibodi, J Carolan, D Englund… - Optica, 2020‏ - opg.optica.org
The goal of integrated quantum photonics is to combine components for the generation,
manipulation, and detection of nonclassical light in a phase-stable and efficient platform …

Highly indistinguishable and strongly entangled photons from symmetric GaAs quantum dots

D Huber, M Reindl, Y Huo, H Huang… - Nature …, 2017‏ - nature.com
The development of scalable sources of non-classical light is fundamental to unlocking the
technological potential of quantum photonics. Semiconductor quantum dots are emerging as …

Two-photon interference in the telecom C-band after frequency conversion of photons from remote quantum emitters

JH Weber, B Kambs, J Kettler, S Kern, J Maisch… - Nature …, 2019‏ - nature.com
Efficient fibre-based long-distance quantum communication via quantum repeaters relies on
deterministic single-photon sources at telecom wavelengths, potentially exploiting the …

Scalable performance in solid-state single-photon sources

JC Loredo, NA Zakaria, N Somaschi, C Anton… - Optica, 2016‏ - opg.optica.org
The desiderata for an ideal photon source are high brightness, high single-photon purity,
and high indistinguishability. Defining brightness at the first collection lens, these properties …

Phonon-assisted two-photon interference from remote quantum emitters

M Reindl, KD Jöns, D Huber, C Schimpf, Y Huo… - Nano …, 2017‏ - ACS Publications
Photonic quantum technologies are on the verge of finding applications in everyday life with
quantum cryptography and quantum simulators on the horizon. Extensive research has …