[ספר][B] Inverse problems for partial differential equations
V Isakov - 2006 - Springer
In this chapter, we are interested in finding coefficients of the second-order hyperbolic
operator:(8.0. 1) a0∂ 2 t u+ Au= f in Q= Ω×(0, T) given the initial data (8.0. 2) u= u0,∂ tu= u1 …
operator:(8.0. 1) a0∂ 2 t u+ Au= f in Q= Ω×(0, T) given the initial data (8.0. 2) u= u0,∂ tu= u1 …
[ספר][B] The case for differential geometry in the control of single and coupled PDEs: the structural acoustic chamber
R Gulliver, W Littman, I Lasiecka, R Triggiani - 2004 - Springer
In line with the title of the IMA Summer Program—Geometric Methods in Inverse Problems
and PDE Control—the aim of the present article may be summarized as follows: we intend to …
and PDE Control—the aim of the present article may be summarized as follows: we intend to …
Dynamics of thermoelastic thin plates: a comparison of four theories
Four distinct theories describing the flexural motion of thermoelastic thin plates are
compared. The theories are due to Chadwick, Lagnese and Lions, Simmonds and Norris …
compared. The theories are due to Chadwick, Lagnese and Lions, Simmonds and Norris …
Maximal regularity and global existence of solutions to a quasilinear thermoelastic plate system
We consider a quasilinear PDE system which models nonlinear vibrations of a thermoelastic
plate defined on a bounded domain in R^ n. Well-posedness of solutions reconstructing …
plate defined on a bounded domain in R^ n. Well-posedness of solutions reconstructing …
Long-time behavior of quasilinear thermoelastic Kirchhoff–Love plates with second sound
We consider an initial–boundary-value problem for a thermoelastic Kirchhoff & Love plate,
thermally insulated and simply supported on the boundary, incorporating rotational inertia …
thermally insulated and simply supported on the boundary, incorporating rotational inertia …
Backward uniqueness of the sc semigroup arising in parabolic–hyperbolic fluid–structure interaction
A 2-d or 3-d fluid–structure interaction model in its linear form is considered, for which
semigroup well-posedness (with explicit generator) was recently established in [G. Avalos …
semigroup well-posedness (with explicit generator) was recently established in [G. Avalos …
Existence and exponential decay of solutions to a quasilinear thermoelastic plate system
We consider a quasilinear PDE system which models nonlinear vibrations of a thermoelastic
plate defined on a bounded domain in R^ n, n≤ 3. Existence of finite energy solutions …
plate defined on a bounded domain in R^ n, n≤ 3. Existence of finite energy solutions …
Smooth dynamics of semilinear thermoelastic systems with variable thermal coefficients
This article is concerned with long-time dynamics for a class of semilinear thermoelastic
systems with variable thermal coefficient. The main results establish, under nonlinear forces …
systems with variable thermal coefficient. The main results establish, under nonlinear forces …
Exact/approximate controllability of thermoelastic plates with variable thermal coefficients
We study a controllability problem (exact in the mechanical variables {$ w, w_t $} and,
simultaneously, approximate in the thermal variable $\theta $) of thermoelastic plates by …
simultaneously, approximate in the thermal variable $\theta $) of thermoelastic plates by …
Carleman estimates with a second large parameter
Carleman estimates are an indispensable tool for proving uniqueness of continuation for
solutions to partial differential equations with non-analytic coefficients. We prove a new …
solutions to partial differential equations with non-analytic coefficients. We prove a new …