Understanding phloem's role in long-distance transport and accumulation of arsenic (As) in rice: toward low-As-accumulating grain development

S Roy, K Hazarika, A Sen, S Dasgupta, S Bhattacharya - Planta, 2024 - Springer
Main conclusion This review highlights the roles of phloem in the long-distance transport
and accumulation of As in rice plants, facilitating the formulation of new strategies to reduce …

[HTML][HTML] Small RNAs, degradome, and transcriptome sequencing provide insights into papaya fruit ripening regulated by 1-MCP

J Cai, Z Wu, Y Hao, Y Liu, Z Song, W Chen, X Li, X Zhu - Foods, 2021 - mdpi.com
As an inhibitor of ethylene receptors, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) can delay the ripening
of papaya. However, improper 1-MCP treatment will cause a rubbery texture in papaya …

[HTML][HTML] Detecting abiotic stresses in rice plants using a smart optical biosensor based on gold nanoparticles

K Asefpour Vakilian - Iranian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 2024 - ijbse.ut.ac.ir
The specific detection of the type and severity of plant abiotic stresses to take timely
measures helps prevent yield reduction. This study introduces a new method to detect the …

Genome-wide in silico analysis indicates the involvement of OsSWEET transporters in abiotic and heavy metal (loid) stress responses in rice

S Roy, A Sen, B Das, N Das, MK Maiti, S Bhattacharya - Biologia, 2022 - Springer
The s ugars w ill e ventually be e xported t ransporters (SWEETs) are a unique class of
membrane-bound sugar transporters that not only take part in hexose and sucrose transport …

Conceptual review on the conventional and genome-wide association analysis towards develo** salinity tolerance in rice

SN Nandhini, VA Gideon, S Nithaniyal - Plant Gene, 2021 - Elsevier
Salinity is the major abiotic stress which predominantly affects the productivity of rice
worldwide. Conventional breeding programs to develop stress-tolerant varieties showed …

植物对镉吸收, 转运及耐性调控机制研究进展.

**慧君, 明荔莉, 张文生 - Asian Journals of Ecotoxicology, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
随着工农业的发展, 我国土壤镉污染现象普遍. 土壤中的镉移动性**, 毒性高, 易被植物吸收,
产生毒害效应. 为全面了解镉在植物体内的吸收, 转运过程及植物镉耐性的分子调控机制 …

[PDF][PDF] miRNAs: Superheroes in the Rice Plant Misery Time

Z Ghorbanzadeh, MR Ghafari - Journal of Biosafety, 2019 - journalofbiosafety.ir
Abiotic stresses in numerous forms are the significant reason behind large-scale yield loss
of agriculturally vital crops such as rice for a long time. Different approaches apply to combat …

[Цитат][C] Uptake, translocation and tolerance mechanism of cadmium in plants: A review

L Huijun, M Lili, Z Wensheng - Asian Journal of …, 2022 - Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology

[Цитат][C] Small RNAs, Degradome, and Transcriptome Sequencing Provide Insights into Papaya Fruit Ripening Regulated by 1-MCP. Foods 2021, 10, 1643

J Cai, Z Wu, Y Hao, Y Liu… - Omics …, 2021 - s Note: MDPI stays neutral with …