Stress-induced anisotropy in granular materials: fabric, stiffness, and permeability
The loading of a granular material induces anisotropies of the particle arrangement (fabric)
and of the material's strength, incremental stiffness, and permeability. Thirteen measures of …
and of the material's strength, incremental stiffness, and permeability. Thirteen measures of …
Experimental investigation of shear strength of sands with inherent fabric anisotropy
Loading direction-dependent strength of sand has been traditionally characterized in the
principal stress space as a direct extension of the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. A recent study …
principal stress space as a direct extension of the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. A recent study …
Stabilized low-order finite elements for frictional contact with the extended finite element method
Contact problem suffers from a numerical instability similar to that encountered in
incompressible elasticity, in which the normal contact pressure exhibits spurious oscillation …
incompressible elasticity, in which the normal contact pressure exhibits spurious oscillation …
Granular micromechanics model for damage and plasticity of cementitious materials based upon thermomechanics
The mechanical behavior of monolithic cementitious materials is known to be significantly
affected by their granular nature. This paper describes an approach to incorporate the …
affected by their granular nature. This paper describes an approach to incorporate the …
Thermomechanics-based nonlinear rate-dependent coupled damage-plasticity granular micromechanics model
Thermomechanics and granular micromechanics approaches are combined to derive
constitutive equations for modeling rate-dependent granular materials with damage and …
constitutive equations for modeling rate-dependent granular materials with damage and …
Effect of fabric on shear wave velocity in granular soils
The small-strain elastic shear wave velocity (V_S VS) is a basic mechanical property of soils
and is an important parameter in geotechnical engineering. Recently, V_S VS has been …
and is an important parameter in geotechnical engineering. Recently, V_S VS has been …
[HTML][HTML] Nonlinear granular micromechanics model for multi-axial rate-dependent behavior
Constitutive equations for class of materials that possess granular microstructure can be
effectively derived using granular micromechanics approach. The stress–strain behavior of …
effectively derived using granular micromechanics approach. The stress–strain behavior of …
[HTML][HTML] Analysis of structure and strain at the meso-scale in 2D granular materials
NS Nguyen, H Magoariec, B Cambou… - International journal of …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper, we introduce a new scale called the meso-scale in order to define an
appropriate local scale for multi-scale kinematic analysis in granular materials. The …
appropriate local scale for multi-scale kinematic analysis in granular materials. The …
Variational methods for continuum models of granular materials
Thin or thin-walled structures such as bars, beams, membranes, plates, and shells are the
key structural components in engineering designs–practically at any length scale …
key structural components in engineering designs–practically at any length scale …
Simulation of seismic velocity changes in brittle rocks subjected to triaxial stresses using 3-D microstructural models
Numerical simulation of non-linear elastic wave propagation in rocks is indispensable for
understanding stress/damage dependence of wave velocity changes and the associated …
understanding stress/damage dependence of wave velocity changes and the associated …