Prediction and projection of heatwaves
Heatwaves constitute a major threat to human health and ecosystems. Projected increases
in heatwave frequency and severity thus lead to the need for prediction to enhance …
in heatwave frequency and severity thus lead to the need for prediction to enhance …
Kee** pace with marine heatwaves
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are prolonged extreme oceanic warm water events. They can
have devastating impacts on marine ecosystems—for example, causing mass coral …
have devastating impacts on marine ecosystems—for example, causing mass coral …
[PDF][PDF] Decision-making options for managing risk
Addressing the impacts and risks associated with observed and projected climate change
(Chapter 16) is fundamentally and intricately tied to the decision-making options available to …
(Chapter 16) is fundamentally and intricately tied to the decision-making options available to …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in the application and utility of subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions
Advances in the Application and Utility of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictions in: Bulletin of
the American Meteorological Society Volume 103 Issue 6 (2022) Jump to Content Logo Logo …
the American Meteorological Society Volume 103 Issue 6 (2022) Jump to Content Logo Logo …
The role of the stratosphere in subseasonal to seasonal prediction: 1. Predictability of the stratosphere
The stratosphere has been identified as an important source of predictability for a range of
processes on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) time scales. Knowledge about S2S …
processes on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) time scales. Knowledge about S2S …
Sub‐seasonal forecasting with a large ensemble of deep‐learning weather prediction models
We present an ensemble prediction system using a Deep Learning Weather Prediction
(DLWP) model that recursively predicts six key atmospheric variables with six‐hour time …
(DLWP) model that recursively predicts six key atmospheric variables with six‐hour time …
Impact forecasting to support emergency management of natural hazards
Forecasting and early warning systems are important investments to protect lives, properties,
and livelihood. While early warning systems are frequently used to predict the magnitude …
and livelihood. While early warning systems are frequently used to predict the magnitude …
Windows of opportunity for skillful forecasts subseasonal to seasonal and beyond
There is high demand and a growing expectation for predictions of environmental conditions
that go beyond 0–14-day weather forecasts with outlooks extending to one or more seasons …
that go beyond 0–14-day weather forecasts with outlooks extending to one or more seasons …
The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX): A multimodel subseasonal prediction experiment
Abstract The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) is a multimodel subseasonal prediction
experiment designed around operational requirements with the goal of improving …
experiment designed around operational requirements with the goal of improving …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe
Extreme weather events have devastating impacts on human health, economic activities,
ecosystems, and infrastructure. It is therefore crucial to anticipate extremes and their impacts …
ecosystems, and infrastructure. It is therefore crucial to anticipate extremes and their impacts …