[HTML][HTML] Climate change risk of urban growth and land use/land cover conversion: An in-depth review of the recent research in Iran
This research is the first literature review of the past three decades' studies on the effects of
urban development and land use/land cover (LULC) change on Iran's climate change. For …
urban development and land use/land cover (LULC) change on Iran's climate change. For …
[HTML][HTML] Monitoring land use change and measuring urban sprawl based on its spatial forms: The case of Qom city
As a response to the challenge of rapid pace of urbanization and lack of reliable data for
environmental and urban planning, especially in the develo** countries, this paper …
environmental and urban planning, especially in the develo** countries, this paper …
Prediction of air quality in Tehran by develo** the nonlinear ensemble model
Abstract Prediction Air Quality Index (AQI) is a useful technique to improve public awareness
about air quality in next days that is a great concern in developed and develo** countries …
about air quality in next days that is a great concern in developed and develo** countries …
An explanation of urban sprawl phenomenon in Shiraz Metropolitan Area (SMA)
Urban Sprawl, as a low-density, unplanned, unlimited and sporadic physical expansion
towards suburban area is one of the worldwide challenges facing spatial development …
towards suburban area is one of the worldwide challenges facing spatial development …
Mitigating the urban heat island effect in megacity Tehran
Cities demonstrate higher nocturnal temperatures than surrounding rural areas, which is
called “urban heat island”(UHI) effect. Climate change projections also indicate increase in …
called “urban heat island”(UHI) effect. Climate change projections also indicate increase in …
The case of Tehran's urban heat island, Iran: Impacts of urban 'lockdown'associated with the COVID-19 pandemic
The increasing expansion of urban environments with associated transformation of land-
cover has led to the formation of urban heat islands (UHI) in many urbanized regions …
cover has led to the formation of urban heat islands (UHI) in many urbanized regions …
Temporal and spatial variations of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in the urban area of Tehran
Being hemmed in on two sides by high mountains, the urban area of Tehran is characterized
by high levels of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants, which have adverse …
by high levels of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants, which have adverse …
Evaluation of the intensity of urban heat islands during heat waves using local climate zones in the semi-arid, continental climate of Tehran
Increasing land surface temperature (LST) and urban heat island intensity (UHII) have been
reported to be closely associated with a large number of environmental issues …
reported to be closely associated with a large number of environmental issues …
Long-term trends in tourism climate index scores for 40 stations across Iran: the role of climate change and influence on tourism sustainability
Tourism is a rapidly growing international sector and relies intrinsically on an amenable
climate to attract visitors. Climate change is likely to influence the locations preferred by …
climate to attract visitors. Climate change is likely to influence the locations preferred by …
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) towards climate change education (CCE) among lower secondary teachers in Tehran, Iran
Purpose Teachers can be regarded as key figures in climate change education (CCE).
Therefore, the purpose of this study is assessment of Iranian lower secondary teachers …
Therefore, the purpose of this study is assessment of Iranian lower secondary teachers …