[HTML][HTML] Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in marine mammal research: A review of current applications and challenges
Research on the ecology and biology of marine mammal populations is necessary to
understand ecosystem dynamics and to support conservation management. Emerging …
understand ecosystem dynamics and to support conservation management. Emerging …
REVIEW Assessing North Atlantic right whale health: Threats, and development of tools critical for conservation of the species
MJ Moore, TK Rowles, DA Fauquier, JD Baker… - Diseases of aquatic …, 2021 - int-res.com
Whaling has decimated North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis (NARW) since the
11 th century and southern right whales E. australis (SRW) since the 19 th century. Today …
11 th century and southern right whales E. australis (SRW) since the 19 th century. Today …
Boom-bust cycles in gray whales associated with dynamic and changing Arctic conditions
Climate change is affecting a wide range of global systems, with polar ecosystems
experiencing the most rapid change. Although climate impacts affect lower-trophic-level and …
experiencing the most rapid change. Although climate impacts affect lower-trophic-level and …
Decreasing body lengths in North Atlantic right whales
Whales are now largely protected from direct harvest, leading to partial recoveries in many
previously depleted species. 1 However, most populations remain far below their historical …
previously depleted species. 1 However, most populations remain far below their historical …
Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Most baleen whales are capital breeders that use stored energy acquired on foraging
grounds to finance the costs of migration and reproduction on breeding grounds. Body …
grounds to finance the costs of migration and reproduction on breeding grounds. Body …
Poor body condition associated with an unusual mortality event in gray whales
The eastern North Pacific gray whale Eschrichtius robustus experienced an unusual
mortality event (UME) in 2019-2020, with 384 whales found dead along the Pacific coasts of …
mortality event (UME) in 2019-2020, with 384 whales found dead along the Pacific coasts of …
Drone Surveys Are More Accurate Than Boat-Based Surveys of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Generating accurate estimates of group sizes or behaviours of cetaceans from boat-based
surveys can be challenging because much of their activity occurs below the water surface …
surveys can be challenging because much of their activity occurs below the water surface …
Multi-event modeling of true reproductive states of individual female right whales provides new insights into their decline
Abundance and population trends of Critically Endangered North Atlantic right whales
(Eubalaena glacialis, NARW) have been estimated using mark-recapture analyses where …
(Eubalaena glacialis, NARW) have been estimated using mark-recapture analyses where …
Estimating the effects of stressors on the health, survival and reproduction of a critically endangered, long‐lived species
Quantifying the cumulative effects of stressors on individuals and populations can inform the
development of effective management and conservation strategies. We developed a …
development of effective management and conservation strategies. We developed a …
Larger females have more calves: influence of maternal body length on fecundity in North Atlantic right whales
North Atlantic right whales (NARW) are critically endangered and have been declining in
abundance since 2011. In the past decade, human-caused mortalities from vessel strikes …
abundance since 2011. In the past decade, human-caused mortalities from vessel strikes …