Dispersion, accumulation, and the ultimate fate of microplastics in deep-marine environments: a review and future directions
An estimated 8.3 billion tons of non-biodegradable plastic has been produced over the last
65 years. Much of this is not recycled and is disposed into the natural environment, has a …
65 years. Much of this is not recycled and is disposed into the natural environment, has a …
Intrabasinal and extrabasinal turbidites: Origin and distinctive characteristics
C Zavala, M Arcuri - Sedimentary Geology, 2016 - Elsevier
The discovery of turbidites represents perhaps the major genuine advance of sedimentology
during the twentieth century. Turbidites are the deposits of turbidity currents and were …
during the twentieth century. Turbidites are the deposits of turbidity currents and were …
[HTML][HTML] Hyperpycnal (over density) flows and deposits
C Zavala - Journal of Palaeogeography, 2020 - Springer
A hyperpycnal flow forms when a relatively dense land-derived gravity flow enters into a
marine or lacustrine water reservoir. As a consequence of its excess of density, the incoming …
marine or lacustrine water reservoir. As a consequence of its excess of density, the incoming …
[HTML][HTML] A source-to-sink perspective of an anthropogenic marker: A first assessment of microplastics concentration, pathways, and accumulation across the …
Source-to-sink geoscientific domain and environmental plastic cycle studies are two major
scientific worlds starting to interact, taking benefit from each other. To advance in our …
scientific worlds starting to interact, taking benefit from each other. To advance in our …
[PDF][PDF] Hyperpycnal flows and hyperpycnites: Origin and distinctive characteristics
C Zavala, SX Pan - Lithologic Reservoirs, 2018 - researchgate.net
Growing evidence suggests that land generated sediment gravity flows are the most
important source of clastic sediments into marine and lacustrine sedimentary basins. These …
important source of clastic sediments into marine and lacustrine sedimentary basins. These …
Transport and deposition of mud in deep‐water environments: Processes and stratigraphic implications
Deep‐water mudstones are often considered as background sediments, deposited by
vertical suspension fallout, and the range of transport and depositional processes are poorly …
vertical suspension fallout, and the range of transport and depositional processes are poorly …
[HTML][HTML] Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity-current deposits
Burial of terrestrial biospheric particulate organic carbon in marine sediments removes CO 2
from the atmosphere, regulating climate over geologic time scales. Rivers deliver terrestrial …
from the atmosphere, regulating climate over geologic time scales. Rivers deliver terrestrial …
An integrated process‐based model of flutes and tool marks in deep‐water environments: Implications for palaeohydraulics, the Bouma sequence and hybrid event …
Flutes and tool marks are commonly observed sedimentary structures on the bases of
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
sandstones in deep‐water successions. These sole structures are universally used as …
[HTML][HTML] Deciphering influencing processes in a tropical delta system (middle-late Eocene? To Early Miocene, Colombian Caribbean): signals from a well-core …
Deltaic depositional systems are characterized by a complex interaction of physical,
chemical, and biological factors. Although fluvial-, wave-and tidal-dominated deltaic …
chemical, and biological factors. Although fluvial-, wave-and tidal-dominated deltaic …
[HTML][HTML] Coarse-grained submarine channels: from confined to unconfined flows in the Colombian Caribbean (late Eocene)
Submarine channel mouth settings are hardly preserved in the stratigraphic record.
Although they are still poorly known with respect to other segments of turbidite systems …
Although they are still poorly known with respect to other segments of turbidite systems …