A comparative analysis of signal decomposition techniques for structural health monitoring on an experimental benchmark

M Civera, C Surace - Sensors, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Signal Processing is, arguably, the fundamental enabling technology for vibration-based
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), which includes damage detection and more advanced …

Non-linearities in the vibrations of elastic structures with a closing crack: A state of the art review

A Bovsunovsky, C Surace - Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015‏ - Elsevier
The main purpose of the present review paper is to illustrate the principal achievements of
numerous researchers who have studied the non-linear effects caused by a closing crack in …

Axial-bending coupling vibration characteristics of a rotating blade with breathing crack

ZY Wu, H Yan, LC Zhao, G Yan, ZB Yang, HF Hu… - … Systems and Signal …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Blade crack is one of the most common blade failures of rotating machines which may lead
to catastrophic accidents. Although many nonlinear vibrations of breathing crack have been …

The influence of cracks in rotating shafts

JJ Sinou, AW Lees - Journal of sound and vibration, 2005‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, the influence of transverse cracks in a rotating shaft is analysed. The paper
addresses the two distinct issues of the changes in modal properties and the influence of …

Analysis of free and forced vibration of a cracked cantilever beam

S Orhan - Ndt & E International, 2007‏ - Elsevier
Structures are weakened by cracks. When the crack size increases in course of time, the
structure becomes weaker than its previous condition. Finally, the structure may breakdown …

[PDF][PDF] A review of damage detection and health monitoring of mechanical systems from changes in the measurement of linear and non-linear vibrations

JJ Sinou - Mechanical vibrations: measurement, effects and …, 2009‏ - hal.science
A Review of Damage Detection and Health Monitoring of Mechanical Systems from Changes in
the Measurement of Linear and Non-linea Page 1 A Review of Damage Detection and Health …

Multi-cracks detection of a beam-like structure based on the on-vehicle vibration signal and wavelet analysis

KV Nguyen, HT Tran - Journal of Sound and vibration, 2010‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, a new method for detecting a multi-cracked beam-like structure subjected to a
moving vehicle is presented. The crack model is adopted from fracture mechanics. The …

Cracked beam identification by numerically analysing the nonlinear behaviour of the harmonically forced response

U Andreaus, P Baragatti - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011‏ - Elsevier
Numerical evaluation of the flexural forced vibration of a cantilever beam having a
transverse surface crack extending uniformly along the width of the beam was performed to …

Time–frequency analysis of the free vibration response of a beam with a breathing crack

E Douka, LJ Hadjileontiadis - Ndt & E International, 2005‏ - Elsevier
In this paper the dynamic behaviour of a cantilever beam with a breathing crack is
investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The primary aim is to reveal the nonlinear …

A non-linear study of a cracked rotor

JJ Sinou, AW Lees - European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2007‏ - Elsevier
The influence of the presence of transverse cracks in a rotating shaft is analyzed. The paper
addresses the influence of crack opening and closing on dynamic response during …