AmeriFlux: its impact on our understanding of the 'breathing of the biosphere', after 25 years
For over two decades, the AmeriFlux network has quantified the breathing of the biosphere,
as defined by measuring the flux densities of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange …
as defined by measuring the flux densities of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange …
[HTML][HTML] BESSv2. 0: A satellite-based and coupled-process model for quantifying long-term global land–atmosphere fluxes
Recent remote-sensing-based global carbon, water and energy budgets over land still
include considerable uncertainties. Most existing flux products of terrestrial carbon, water …
include considerable uncertainties. Most existing flux products of terrestrial carbon, water …
The intricacies of vegetation responses to changing moisture conditions
JK Green - New Phytologist, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
A long‐standing debate looks at whether air or soil dryness is more limiting to vegetation
water use and productivity. The answer has large implications for future ecosystem …
water use and productivity. The answer has large implications for future ecosystem …
Carbon-sink potential of continuous alfalfa agriculture lowered by short-term nitrous oxide emission events
Alfalfa is the most widely grown forage crop worldwide and is thought to be a significant
carbon sink due to high productivity, extensive root systems, and nitrogen-fixation. However …
carbon sink due to high productivity, extensive root systems, and nitrogen-fixation. However …
[HTML][HTML] Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially …
Detailed spatial representations of terrestrial vegetation are essential for precision
agricultural applications and the monitoring of land cover changes in heterogeneous …
agricultural applications and the monitoring of land cover changes in heterogeneous …
[HTML][HTML] Estimation and validation of high-resolution evapotranspiration products for an arid river basin using multi-source remote sensing data
J **ao, F Sun, T Wang, H Wang - Agricultural Water Management, 2024 - Elsevier
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) at high spatial resolution is crucial for drought
monitoring and water resources management, but currently available remote sensing ET …
monitoring and water resources management, but currently available remote sensing ET …
Paddy rice methane emissions across Monsoon Asia
Although rice cultivation is one of the most important agricultural sources of methane (CH 4)
and contributes∼ 8% of total global anthropogenic emissions, large discrepancies remain …
and contributes∼ 8% of total global anthropogenic emissions, large discrepancies remain …
[HTML][HTML] Expanding vegetated areas by human activities and strengthening vegetation growth concurrently explain the greening of Seoul
Many studies have reported that urbanization leads to a decrease in the normalized
difference vegetation index (NDVI) due to the expansion of impervious cover. Some studies …
difference vegetation index (NDVI) due to the expansion of impervious cover. Some studies …
A simple approach to enhance the TROPOMI solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence product by combining with canopy reflected radiation at near-infrared band
Satellite-based data of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) and the near-infrared
radiation reflected by vegetation (NIRvP) are being increasingly used for the estimation of …
radiation reflected by vegetation (NIRvP) are being increasingly used for the estimation of …
Emergent constraints on historical and future global gross primary productivity
Terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) is the largest carbon flux in the global carbon
cycle and plays a crucial role in terrestrial carbon sequestration. However, historical and …
cycle and plays a crucial role in terrestrial carbon sequestration. However, historical and …