[HTML][HTML] A systematic review on the integration of remote sensing and GIS to forest and grassland ecosystem health attributes, indicators, and measures
It is important to protect forest and grassland ecosystems because they are ecologically rich
and provide numerous ecosystem services. Upscaling monitoring from local to global scale …
and provide numerous ecosystem services. Upscaling monitoring from local to global scale …
Protected areas in boreal Canada: a baseline and considerations for the continued development of a representative and effective reserve network
Boreal forests maintain regionally important biodiversity and globally important ecosystem
services, such as carbon storage and freshwater resources. Many boreal systems have …
services, such as carbon storage and freshwater resources. Many boreal systems have …
Remote sensing tools for monitoring forests and tracking their dynamics
Remote sensing augments field data and facilitates foresight required for forest
management by providing spatial and temporal observations of forest characteristics at …
management by providing spatial and temporal observations of forest characteristics at …
Assessing the anticipated growth response of northern conifer populations to a warming climate
JH Pedlar, DW McKenney - Scientific Reports, 2017 - nature.com
The growth response of trees to ongoing climate change has important implications for
future forest dynamics, accurate carbon accounting, and sustainable forest management …
future forest dynamics, accurate carbon accounting, and sustainable forest management …
[HTML][HTML] Map** forest health using spectral and textural information extracted from SPOT-5 satellite images
J Meng, S Li, W Wang, Q Liu, S **e, W Ma - Remote Sensing, 2016 - mdpi.com
Forest health is an important variable that we need to monitor for forest management
decision making. However, forest health is difficult to assess and monitor based merely on …
decision making. However, forest health is difficult to assess and monitor based merely on …
Projections of future forest age class structure under the influence of fire and harvesting: implications for forest management in the boreal forest of eastern Canada
Y Bergeron… - … Journal of Forest …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
In northeastern Canadian boreal forests, a coarse-filter approach was adopted to provide
sustainable ecosystem services in order to maintain a balance between biodiversity …
sustainable ecosystem services in order to maintain a balance between biodiversity …
Satellite time series and Google Earth Engine democratize the process of forest-recovery monitoring over large areas
Contemporary forest-health initiatives require technologies and workflows that can monitor
forest degradation and recovery simply and efficiently over large areas. Spectral recovery …
forest degradation and recovery simply and efficiently over large areas. Spectral recovery …
Predicting species diversity in agricultural environments using Landsat TM imagery
Maps based on classified Earth observation (EO) imagery have been used to model
biodiversity, but errors associated with the classification process itself and the resulting …
biodiversity, but errors associated with the classification process itself and the resulting …
Remotely-sensed productivity clusters capture global biodiversity patterns
Ecological regionalisations delineate areas of similar environmental conditions, ecological
processes, and biotic communities, and provide a basis for systematic conservation …
processes, and biotic communities, and provide a basis for systematic conservation …
Conservation implications of the evolutionary history and genetic diversity hotspots of the snowshoe hare
With climate warming, the ranges of many boreal species are expected to shift northward
and to fragment in southern peripheral ranges. To understand the conservation implications …
and to fragment in southern peripheral ranges. To understand the conservation implications …