Array-based high-throughput DNA markers for crop improvement

PK Gupta, S Rustgi, RR Mir - Heredity, 2008‏ -
The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable activity in the development and use of
molecular markers both in animal and plant systems. This activity started with low …

[HTML][HTML] Plant genetic diversity studies: Insights from DNA marker analyses

N Bidyananda, I Jamir, K Nowakowska, V Varte… - International Journal of …, 2024‏ -
The plant adaptation response to a changing environment depends on the genetic diversity
level it possesses. Genetic diversity and a thorough understanding of population indices are …

Development of a molecular linkage map of pearl millet integrating DArT and SSR markers

A Supriya, S Senthilvel, T Nepolean, K Eshwar… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2011‏ - Springer
Pearl millet is an important component of food security in the semi-arid tropics and is
assuming greater importance in the context of changing climate and increasing demand for …

Development and assessment of DArT markers in triticale

A Badea, F Eudes, D Salmon, S Tuvesson… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2011‏ - Springer
Abstract Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.) is a hybrid derived by crossing wheat (Triticum sp.)
and rye (Secale sp.). Till date, only a limited number of simple sequence repeat (SSRs) …

Characterization of wheat DArT markers: genetic and functional features

D Marone, G Panio, DBM Ficco, MA Russo… - Molecular genetics and …, 2012‏ - Springer
Diversity array technology (DArT) markers are largely used for map**, genetic diversity,
and association map** studies. For years, they have been used as anonymous genomic …

Rapid development of molecular markers by next-generation sequencing linked to a gene conferring phomopsis stem blight disease resistance for marker-assisted …

H Yang, Y Tao, Z Zheng, D Shao, Z Li… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2013‏ - Springer
Selection for phomopsis stem blight disease (PSB) resistance is one of the key objectives in
lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) breeding programs. A cross was made between cultivar …

High-density genetic linkage maps with over 2,400 sequence-anchored DArT markers for genetic dissection in an F2 pseudo-backcross of Eucalyptus grandis× E …

ARK Kullan, MM van Dyk, N Jones, A Kanzler… - Tree Genetics & …, 2012‏ - Springer
Traits that differentiate cross-fertile plant species can be dissected by genetic linkage
analysis in interspecific hybrids. Such studies have been greatly facilitated in Eucalyptus …

[PDF][PDF] Resistance to rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn)[(teleomorph: Thanatephorus cucumeris (AB Frank) Donk.] disease: current status and perspectives

SLWS Savary - Euphyticaꎬ 2011ꎬ, 2011‏ -
Sheath blight (ShB) disease, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is an economically important
rice disease worldwide, especially in intensive production systems. Several studies have …

Diversity arrays technology (DArT) for pan-genomic evolutionary studies of non-model organisms

KE James, H Schneider, SW Ansell, M Evers, L Robba… - PloS one, 2008‏ -
Background High-throughput tools for pan-genomic study, especially the DNA microarray
platform, have sparked a remarkable increase in data production and enabled a shift in the …

High-throughput genoty** of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) utilising diversity arrays technology (DArT)

EL Howard, SP Whittock, J Jakše, J Carling… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2011‏ - Springer
Implementation of molecular methods in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) breeding is dependent on
the availability of sizeable numbers of polymorphic markers and a comprehensive …