Array-based high-throughput DNA markers for crop improvement
The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable activity in the development and use of
molecular markers both in animal and plant systems. This activity started with low …
molecular markers both in animal and plant systems. This activity started with low …
[HTML][HTML] Plant genetic diversity studies: Insights from DNA marker analyses
The plant adaptation response to a changing environment depends on the genetic diversity
level it possesses. Genetic diversity and a thorough understanding of population indices are …
level it possesses. Genetic diversity and a thorough understanding of population indices are …
Development of a molecular linkage map of pearl millet integrating DArT and SSR markers
Pearl millet is an important component of food security in the semi-arid tropics and is
assuming greater importance in the context of changing climate and increasing demand for …
assuming greater importance in the context of changing climate and increasing demand for …
Development and assessment of DArT markers in triticale
A Badea, F Eudes, D Salmon, S Tuvesson… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.) is a hybrid derived by crossing wheat (Triticum sp.)
and rye (Secale sp.). Till date, only a limited number of simple sequence repeat (SSRs) …
and rye (Secale sp.). Till date, only a limited number of simple sequence repeat (SSRs) …
Characterization of wheat DArT markers: genetic and functional features
D Marone, G Panio, DBM Ficco, MA Russo… - Molecular genetics and …, 2012 - Springer
Diversity array technology (DArT) markers are largely used for map**, genetic diversity,
and association map** studies. For years, they have been used as anonymous genomic …
and association map** studies. For years, they have been used as anonymous genomic …
Rapid development of molecular markers by next-generation sequencing linked to a gene conferring phomopsis stem blight disease resistance for marker-assisted …
Selection for phomopsis stem blight disease (PSB) resistance is one of the key objectives in
lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) breeding programs. A cross was made between cultivar …
lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) breeding programs. A cross was made between cultivar …
High-density genetic linkage maps with over 2,400 sequence-anchored DArT markers for genetic dissection in an F2 pseudo-backcross of Eucalyptus grandis× E …
Traits that differentiate cross-fertile plant species can be dissected by genetic linkage
analysis in interspecific hybrids. Such studies have been greatly facilitated in Eucalyptus …
analysis in interspecific hybrids. Such studies have been greatly facilitated in Eucalyptus …
[PDF][PDF] Resistance to rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn)[(teleomorph: Thanatephorus cucumeris (AB Frank) Donk.] disease: current status and perspectives
Sheath blight (ShB) disease, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is an economically important
rice disease worldwide, especially in intensive production systems. Several studies have …
rice disease worldwide, especially in intensive production systems. Several studies have …
Diversity arrays technology (DArT) for pan-genomic evolutionary studies of non-model organisms
Background High-throughput tools for pan-genomic study, especially the DNA microarray
platform, have sparked a remarkable increase in data production and enabled a shift in the …
platform, have sparked a remarkable increase in data production and enabled a shift in the …
High-throughput genoty** of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) utilising diversity arrays technology (DArT)
Implementation of molecular methods in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) breeding is dependent on
the availability of sizeable numbers of polymorphic markers and a comprehensive …
the availability of sizeable numbers of polymorphic markers and a comprehensive …