Revealed attention
The standard revealed preference argument relies on an implicit assumption that a decision
maker considers all feasible alternatives. The marketing and psychology literatures …
maker considers all feasible alternatives. The marketing and psychology literatures …
[КНИГА][B] Signal to act: Game theory in pragmatics
M Franke - 2009 - eprints.illc.uva.nl
This thesis offers a general game theoretic model of language use and interpretation and
applies it to linguistic pragmatics in the vein of (Grice 1989). The model presented here …
applies it to linguistic pragmatics in the vein of (Grice 1989). The model presented here …
“Reverse Bayesianism”: A choice-based theory of growing awareness
E Karni, ML Vierø - American Economic Review, 2013 - aeaweb.org
This article introduces a new approach to modeling the expanding universe of decision
makers in the wake of growing awareness, and invokes the axiomatic approach to model the …
makers in the wake of growing awareness, and invokes the axiomatic approach to model the …
Extensive games with possibly unaware players
Standard game theory assumes that the structure of the game is common knowledge among
players. We relax this assumption by considering extensive games where agents may be …
players. We relax this assumption by considering extensive games where agents may be …
Awareness of unawareness: A theory of decision making in the face of ignorance
E Karni, ML Vierø - Journal of Economic Theory, 2017 - Elsevier
In the wake of growing awareness, decision makers anticipate that they might acquire
knowledge that, in their current state of ignorance, is unimaginable. Supposedly, this …
knowledge that, in their current state of ignorance, is unimaginable. Supposedly, this …
[PDF][PDF] Awareness
BC Schipper - Available at SSRN 2401352, 2014 - econ.ucdavis.edu
Unawareness refers to the lack of conception rather than the lack of information. This
chapter discusses various epistemic approaches to modeling (un) awareness from computer …
chapter discusses various epistemic approaches to modeling (un) awareness from computer …
Unawareness—a gentle introduction to both the literature and the special issue
BC Schipper - Mathematical social sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
This article provides a brief survey of the literature on unawareness and introduces the
contributions to the special issue on unawareness in Mathematical Social Sciences. First …
contributions to the special issue on unawareness in Mathematical Social Sciences. First …
Unawareness, beliefs, and speculative trade
A Heifetz, M Meier, BC Schipper - Games and Economic Behavior, 2013 - Elsevier
We define a generalized state-space model with interactive unawareness and probabilistic
beliefs. Such models are desirable for potential applications of asymmetric unawareness …
beliefs. Such models are desirable for potential applications of asymmetric unawareness …
Strategies of persuasion, manipulation and propaganda: Psychological and social aspects
How can one influence the behavior of others? What is a good persuasion strategy? It is
obviously of great importance to determine what information best to provide and also how to …
obviously of great importance to determine what information best to provide and also how to …
Incentives for unaware agents
The paper introduces the problem of unawareness into principal–agent theory and
discusses optimal incentive contracts when the agent may be unaware of her action space …
discusses optimal incentive contracts when the agent may be unaware of her action space …