Trade in agricultural and food products

C Gaigné, C Gouel - Handbook of agricultural economics, 2022 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews how the literature on trade in agricultural and food products has
developed over the last 20 years. Its evolution has been heavily influenced by several …

The separation and reunification of Germany: Rethinking a natural experiment interpretation of the enduring effects of communism

SO Becker, L Mergele, L Woessmann - Journal of Economic …, 2020 -
German separation in 1949 into a communist East and a capitalist West and their
reunification in 1990 are commonly described as a natural experiment to study the enduring …

The elusive link between income and obesity

N Mathieu‐Bolh - Journal of Economic Surveys, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Forseveral decades, obesity has been a major public health and public policy issue
involving high private and social costs. The literature on the causes of obesity has identified …

Weight gains from trade in foods: Evidence from Mexico

O Giuntella, M Rieger, L Rotunno - Journal of International Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, we investigate the effects of trade in foods on obesity in Mexico. To do so, we
match data on Mexican food imports from the US with anthropometric and food expenditure …

Biased health perceptions and risky health behaviors—theory and evidence

P Arni, D Dragone, L Goette, NR Ziebarth - Journal of Health Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the role of biased health perceptions as a potential driving force of
risky health behaviors. We define absolute and relative health perception biases, illustrate …

Sources of regional variation in healthcare utilization in Germany

M Salm, A Wübker - Journal of Health Economics, 2020 - Elsevier
We examine sources of regional variation in ambulatory care utilization in Germany. We
exploit patient migration to examine which share of regional variation in ambulatory care …

Harm reduction for addictive consumption: When does it improve health and when does it backfire?

J Cawley, D Dragone - Journal of Health Economics, 2024 - Elsevier
Some harm reduction strategies encourage individuals to switch from a harmful addictive
good to a less harmful addictive good; examples include e-cigarettes (substitutes for …

Parental beliefs about returns to child health investments

P Biroli, T Boneva, A Raja, C Rauh - Journal of Econometrics, 2022 - Elsevier
Childhood obesity has adverse health and productivity consequences and it poses negative
externalities to health services. To shed light on the role of parents, we elicit parental beliefs …

Time preferences and political regimes: Evidence from reunified Germany

T Friehe, M Pannenberg - Journal of Population Economics, 2020 - Springer
We use the separation and later reunification of Germany after World War II to show that a
political regime shapes time preferences of its residents. Using two identification strategies …

Driving management of novel foods: A network analysis approach

C Zarbà, G Chinnici, M Hamam, S Bracco… - … in Sustainable Food …, 2022 -
The food industry has confronted, in recent years, numerous issues including meeting a food
demand for individual well-being in a sufficient and healthy manner, also due to the effects …