Submarine canyons as important habitat for cetaceans, with special reference to the Gully: a review
HB Moors-Murphy - Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in …, 2014 - Elsevier
There has been much research interest in the use of submarine canyons by cetaceans,
particularly beaked whales (family Ziphiidae), which appear to be especially attracted to …
particularly beaked whales (family Ziphiidae), which appear to be especially attracted to …
Plastic debris occurrence, convergence areas and fin whales feeding ground in the Mediterranean marine protected area Pelagos sanctuary: a modeling approach
The Mediterranean Sea is greatly affected by marine litter. In this area, research on the
impact of plastic debris (including microplastics) on biota, particularly large filter-feeding …
impact of plastic debris (including microplastics) on biota, particularly large filter-feeding …
Techniques for cetacean–habitat modeling
JV Redfern, MC Ferguson, EA Becker… - Marine Ecology …, 2006 - int-res.com
Cetacean–habitat modeling, although still in the early stages of development, represents a
potentially powerful tool for predicting cetacean distributions and understanding the …
potentially powerful tool for predicting cetacean distributions and understanding the …
A review of beaked whale behaviour and ecology in relation to assessing and mitigating impacts of anthropogenic noise
CD MacLeod, A D'Amico - J. Cetacean Res. Manage., 2005 - journal.iwc.int
Little is known about the ecology and behaviour of species within the family Ziphiidae. In this
paper, five aspects of beaked whale ecology and behaviour are reviewed in relation to …
paper, five aspects of beaked whale ecology and behaviour are reviewed in relation to …
Fine‐scale habitat modeling of a top marine predator: Do prey data improve predictive capacity
Predators and prey assort themselves relative to each other, the availability of resources and
refuges, and the temporal and spatial scale of their interaction. Predictive models of predator …
refuges, and the temporal and spatial scale of their interaction. Predictive models of predator …
Predictive habitat models for managing marine areas: spatial and temporal distribution of marine mammals within the Pelagos Sanctuary (Northwestern …
Habitat use of seven different species of cetaceans inhabiting the Pelagos Sanctuary was
studied using 18-year summer shipboard surveys data, in an area of approximately 25,000 …
studied using 18-year summer shipboard surveys data, in an area of approximately 25,000 …
Exploring the relation between plastic ingestion in species and its presence in seafloor bottoms
In order to have a wider understanding of the impacts of plastics on marine ecosystems,
studies should approach different environmental compartments, such as seafloor and biota …
studies should approach different environmental compartments, such as seafloor and biota …
Physical properties and processes in the Perth Canyon, Western Australia: Links to water column production and seasonal pygmy blue whale abundance
The oceanography of the Perth Canyon, off southwestern Australia, was examined through
two major field excursions in austral spring/summer 2003/2004 combined with previous …
two major field excursions in austral spring/summer 2003/2004 combined with previous …
Habitat preferences of two deep-diving cetacean species in the northern Ligurian Sea
We used generalized additive models (GAMs) as exploratory habitat models for describing
the distribution of 2 deep-diving species, Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier …
the distribution of 2 deep-diving species, Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier …
Combining data from a multisensor tag and passive sonar to determine the diving behavior of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
WMX Zimmer, MP Johnson, A D'Amico… - IEEE Journal of …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Reports on the diving behavior of a sperm whale tagged and tracked on September 6, 2000
during the Sirena 2000 cruise in the Ligurian Sea. A total of about 4.5 h of acoustic and …
during the Sirena 2000 cruise in the Ligurian Sea. A total of about 4.5 h of acoustic and …