Mining museums for historical DNA: advances and challenges in museomics

CJ Raxworthy, BT Smith - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2021 -
Historical DNA (hDNA), obtained from museum and herbarium specimens, has yielded
spectacular new insights into the history of organisms. This includes documenting historical …

Natural history collections as a resource for conservation genomics: Understanding the past to preserve the future

PM Benham, RCK Bowie - Journal of Heredity, 2023 -
To avoid the worst outcomes of the current biodiversity crisis we need a deep understanding
of population responses to human-induced ecological change. Rapidly expanding access to …

Unlocking inaccessible historical genomes preserved in formalin

EE Hahn, MR Alexander, A Grealy… - Molecular Ecology …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Museum specimens represent an unparalleled record of historical genomic data. However,
the widespread practice of formalin preservation has thus far impeded genomic analysis of a …

Ancient proteins resolve controversy over the identity of Genyornis eggshell

B Demarchi, J Stiller, A Grealy, M Mackie… - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
The realization that ancient biomolecules are preserved in “fossil” samples has
revolutionized archaeological science. Protein sequences survive longer than DNA, but their …

DNA barcoding for assessing biodiversity

JL Ramirez, D Núñez-Rodriguez, R Britzke… - … Genetics in the …, 2023 - Springer
DNA barcoding is a powerful tool to identify species using nucleotide differences found in
the cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial gene between species. Since it was proposed …

[HTML][HTML] DNA barcodes of Saudi Arabian birds: Implications for species identification and diversity analysis

HA Khan, IA Arif, NA Altwaijry, A Ahamed - Journal of King Saud University …, 2023 - Elsevier
Objectives DNA barcoding using cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene is an effective tool for
species identification with additional power of measuring molecular diversity and …

Distribution and decline of the golden-shouldered parrot psephotellus chrysopterygius 1845-1990

GM Crowley, ST Garnett - North Queensland Naturalist, 2023 -
The Golden-shouldered Parrot (GSP) Psephotellus chrysopterygius (Gould, 1857) is a
distinctive threatened species that is endemic to Cape York Peninsula (CYP), and a totem …

Oological collections and egg collectors of Brazilian birds: an overview

MÂ Marini, M Assis, NO de Matos Sousa… - Arquivos de …, 2023 -
Egg collections have been poorly studied and cataloged both in Brazil and overseas. In
Brazil, there is a lack of both historical and current tradition of establishing and curating egg …

A review of sharks museomic: Management and conservation insight from shark and ray specimens from museum collection

AP Prasetyo, K Kurniawan, B Muslimin… - BIO Web of …, 2024 -
The development of innovative technologies plays a vital role in improving the preservation
and accessibility of naturalistic museum collections. These approaches also contribute to …

[HTML][HTML] Additions and updates to the list of specimens of Imperial Woodpecker Campephilus imperialis (Gould, 1832), including genetic analysis of a putative clutch of …

BE Leese, LE Johannessen, A Schrøder-Nielsen… - Bulletin of the British …, 2022 - BioOne
We present an addendum to the list of known specimens of Imperial Woodpecker
Campephilus imperialis published by Brown & Clark in 2009. The addendum adds a total of …