2D heterostructures for ubiquitous electronics and optoelectronics: principles, opportunities, and challenges
A grand family of two-dimensional (2D) materials and their heterostructures have been
discovered through the extensive experimental and theoretical efforts of chemists, material …
discovered through the extensive experimental and theoretical efforts of chemists, material …
Moiré heterostructures as a condensed-matter quantum simulator
Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have latterly received prominent attention for their
many remarkable experimental properties and the promise that they hold for realizing …
many remarkable experimental properties and the promise that they hold for realizing …
Superconductivity in twisted bilayer WSe2
Moiré materials have enabled the realization of flat electron bands and quantum phases that
are driven by the strong correlations associated with flat bands,,–. Superconductivity has …
are driven by the strong correlations associated with flat bands,,–. Superconductivity has …
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a topological heavy fermion problem
Magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has shown two seemingly
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
Enhanced superconductivity in spin–orbit proximitized bilayer graphene
In the presence of a large perpendicular electric field, Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
(BLG) features several broken-symmetry metallic phases,–as well as magnetic-field-induced …
(BLG) features several broken-symmetry metallic phases,–as well as magnetic-field-induced …
Electric field–tunable superconductivity in alternating-twist magic-angle trilayer graphene
Engineering moiré superlattices by twisting layers in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures
has uncovered a wide array of quantum phenomena. We constructed a vdW heterostructure …
has uncovered a wide array of quantum phenomena. We constructed a vdW heterostructure …
Superconductivity and strong correlations in moiré flat bands
Strongly correlated systems can give rise to spectacular phenomenology, from high-
temperature superconductivity to the emergence of states of matter characterized by long …
temperature superconductivity to the emergence of states of matter characterized by long …
Quantum textures of the many-body wavefunctions in magic-angle graphene
Interactions among electrons create novel many-body quantum phases of matter with
wavefunctions that reflect electronic correlation effects, broken symmetries and collective …
wavefunctions that reflect electronic correlation effects, broken symmetries and collective …
Promotion of superconductivity in magic-angle graphene multilayers
Graphene moiré superlattices show an abundance of correlated insulating, topological, and
superconducting phases. Whereas the origins of strong correlations and nontrivial topology …
superconducting phases. Whereas the origins of strong correlations and nontrivial topology …
Isospin Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene
In condensed-matter systems, higher temperatures typically disfavour ordered phases,
leading to an upper critical temperature for magnetism, superconductivity and other …
leading to an upper critical temperature for magnetism, superconductivity and other …