Getting aligned on representational alignment
Biological and artificial information processing systems form representations that they can
use to categorize, reason, plan, navigate, and make decisions. How can we measure the …
use to categorize, reason, plan, navigate, and make decisions. How can we measure the …
THINGS-data, a multimodal collection of large-scale datasets for investigating object representations in human brain and behavior
Understanding object representations requires a broad, comprehensive sampling of the
objects in our visual world with dense measurements of brain activity and behavior. Here …
objects in our visual world with dense measurements of brain activity and behavior. Here …
[HTML][HTML] The Dimensions of dimensionality
Cognitive scientists often infer multidimensional representations from data. Whether the data
involve text, neuroimaging, neural networks, or human judgments, researchers frequently …
involve text, neuroimaging, neural networks, or human judgments, researchers frequently …
Improving neural network representations using human similarity judgments
Deep neural networks have reached human-level performance on many computer vision
tasks. However, the objectives used to train these networks enforce only that similar images …
tasks. However, the objectives used to train these networks enforce only that similar images …
THINGSplus: New norms and metadata for the THINGS database of 1854 object concepts and 26,107 natural object images
To study visual and semantic object representations, the need for well-curated object
concepts and images has grown significantly over the past years. To address this, we have …
concepts and images has grown significantly over the past years. To address this, we have …
[HTML][HTML] Preemptively pruning clever-hans strategies in deep neural networks
Robustness has become an important consideration in deep learning. With the help of
explainable AI, mismatches between an explained model's decision strategy and the user's …
explainable AI, mismatches between an explained model's decision strategy and the user's …
Context-aware representation: Jointly learning item features and selection from triplets
In areas of machine learning such as cognitive modeling or recommendation, user feedback
is usually context-dependent. For instance, a website might provide a user with a set of …
is usually context-dependent. For instance, a website might provide a user with a set of …
When are post-hoc conceptual explanations identifiable?
Interest in understanding and factorizing learned embedding spaces through conceptual
explanations is steadily growing. When no human concept labels are available, concept …
explanations is steadily growing. When no human concept labels are available, concept …
Taxonomic structure in a set of abstract concepts
A large portion of human knowledge comprises “abstract” concepts that lack readily
perceivable properties (eg,“love” and “justice”). Since abstract concepts lack such …
perceivable properties (eg,“love” and “justice”). Since abstract concepts lack such …
Cocog: Controllable visual stimuli generation based on human concept representations
A central question for cognitive science is to understand how humans process visual
objects, ie, to uncover human low-dimensional concept representation space from high …
objects, ie, to uncover human low-dimensional concept representation space from high …