Waste-to-value: Guidelines for the potential applications of Prosopis juliflora

IA Saleh, A BiBi, S Bibi, M Abu-Dieyeh… - Bioresource Technology …, 2023 - Elsevier
This review describes the guidelines and potential applications of Prosopis juliflora (P.
juliflora) as a waste-to-value resource. It aimed to explore various methods of P. juliflora …

The naturalized vascular flora of Malesia

R Holmes, P Pelser, J Barcelona, SS Tjitrosoedirdjo… - Biological …, 2023 - Springer
Major regional gaps exist in the reporting and accessibility of naturalized plant species
distribution data, especially within Southeast Asia. Here, we present the Malesian …

Assessment of non-woody alien and invasive plant species along the altitudinal gradients of Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot in Manipur, India

MS Singh, OP Tripathi, HS Yadav, LB Singha… - Vegetos, 2024 - Springer
With the rapid increase in urbanization including construction for road and rail connectivity
and accelerated disturbances in the natural habitats, the introduction, establishment, and …

Naturalized Alien Plant as Traditional Medicine Resources: A Study from Cibodas Biosphere Reserve, West Java

A Handayani, EAM Zuhud… - Jurnal Sylva …, 2023 - sylvalestari.fp.unila.ac.id
Abstract Cibodas Biosphere Reserve, with Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park as the
core zone area, has an enormous number of naturalized alien species spread within it …

Ecological risk assessment of potentially invasive alien plant species in Cibodas Biosphere Reserve, West Java, Indonesia

A Handayani, DI Junaedi… - IOP Conference Series …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
More than 80 potentially invasive plant species have spread throughout the Cibodas
Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia. Recently, research has shown that the surrounding …

Analysis of the utilization of groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) by the community around the Cibodas Resort Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

A Ritawati, EAM Zuhud, S Hidayati - … Sumberdaya Alam dan …, 2023 - journal.ipb.ac.id
Analysis of the utilization of groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) by the community around the
Cibodas Resort Gunung Gede Pangra Page 1 613 Journal of Natural Resources and …

Holocene insights for tackling Anthropocene environmental challenges in Malesia

RL Holmes - 2024 - figshare.le.ac.uk
Understanding long-term environmental change is essential for informed decision making in
response to the threats posed by anthropogenically altered critical Earth Systems in the …

Ethnobotany of Women's Health Plants in Trimulya Village Sanggau Regency

AC Astuti, S Syamswisna… - Bioscientist: Jurnal Ilmiah …, 2024 - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
Women's health care is a very important thing to do. However, not all women's health care is
safe because most of it uses products or ingredients that can damage the body. The solution …

Local community perception towards invasive alien plant species utilization in Bodogol–Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

A Handayani, DI Junaedi… - IOP Conference Series …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The spread of invasive alien species in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is
considered causes disturbance and damage threats to ecosystems, habitats, and native …


I SALEH - 2022 - qspace.qu.edu.qa
Global increase in food demand has made the fresh produce spoilage a worldwide concern.
Adverse effects of commercial spoilage control agents on human health and on the …