[HTML][HTML] Oxidation-involved life prediction and damage assessment under generalized creep-fatigue loading conditions based on engineering damage mechanics

RZ Wang, XC Zhang, HH Gu, KS Li, JF Wen… - Journal of Materials …, 2023 - Elsevier
The object of this paper is to develop numerical procedures for creep-fatigue-oxidation life
prediction and damage assessments based on engineering damage approach, in response …

[HTML][HTML] Enhancing creep resistance of aged Fe–Cr–Ni medium-entropy alloy via nano-sized Cu-rich and NbC precipitates investigated by nanoindentation

J Gao, Z Xu, X Fang, J He, W Li, X Du, Y He… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - Elsevier
Materials with high creep resistance are required for next-generation fossil and nuclear
power plants. In this study, the effect of aging on the creep resistance of a Fe–Cr–Ni medium …

DIC/DSI based studies on the local mechanical behaviors of HR3C/T92 dissimilar welded joint during plastic deformation

B Peng, M Zhang, D Ye - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022 - Elsevier
In this study, both the digital image correlation (DIC) and depth-sensing indentation (DSI)
measurements were performed to investigate the non-uniform local mechanical behaviors of …

An insight into the creep-fatigue damage localization in welded joints based on crystal plasticity finite element method

D Zhou, X Wang, C Zhang, T Zhang, H Li… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
In the present work, a numerical simulation based on the crystal plasticity finite element
(CPFE) method is conducted to capture the different mechanical responses and damage in …

Creep-fatigue properties and deformation mechanism of 316L steel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion (PBF-LB/M)

Y Chen, X Wang, Y Jiang, R Dai, D Zhou… - Materials Science and …, 2024 - Elsevier
To ensure the structural integrity of components manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
method at extreme service condition, the creep-fatigue interaction (CFI) properties of PBF …

Fatigue fracture mechanism of T92/HR3C dissimilar metal weld joints at elevated temperature

J Kang, Q Wang, Z Wang, Z Han, R **n, X Jiao - Materials Characterization, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The T92/HR3C dissimilar metal weld joints were fabricated by manual tungsten
inert gas (TIG) welding with Inconel 82 as the filler metal. After fatigue tests at 640° C, it was …

Mechanisms for creep rupture of 12Cr/alloy 4715 dissimilar weldments

W Ou, J **ong, X Li, F Nie, T Li, G Mao, J Yang… - Engineering Failure …, 2023 - Elsevier
The mechanism for creep rupture of 12% Cr/alloy 4715 welded joints was investigated by
employing traditional uniaxial tensile creep in this study. The creep tests were maintained at …

Understanding the relation between creep-fatigue fracture mechanisms and intergranular dislocation accommodation of a high chromium steel using nanoindentation …

Y Song, T Yu, H Chen, W **, Z Gao, TT Debela… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Relying on nanoindentation technology, the effect of intergranular dislocation
accommodation on fracture behavior for the P92 steel that had experienced creep-fatigue …

Material behaviour of austenitic stainless steel subjected to cyclic and arbitrary loading

L Lázaro, R Chacón - Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, an experimental program on cyclic loading of austenitic stainless steel
specimens is presented. The program encompasses a series of forty specimens subjected …

A comprehensive investigation on thermomechanical fatigue failure mechanism and remaining properties of 316L stainless steel

W Zhang, P Yin, W Chen, Q Yang, F Liang… - Engineering Failure …, 2025 - Elsevier
Thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) is a critical failure mode in high-temperature components,
as it not only accelerates microstructural degradation but also significantly impacts the …