Dimensionality reduction for large-scale neural recordings
Most sensory, cognitive and motor functions depend on the interactions of many neurons. In
recent years, there has been rapid development and increasing use of technologies for …
recent years, there has been rapid development and increasing use of technologies for …
[HTML][HTML] Decision making as a window on cognition
A decision is a commitment to a proposition or plan of action based on information and
values associated with the possible outcomes. The process operates in a flexible timeframe …
values associated with the possible outcomes. The process operates in a flexible timeframe …
[HTML][HTML] Cortical membrane potential signature of optimal states for sensory signal detection
The neural correlates of optimal states for signal detection task performance are largely
unknown. One hypothesis holds that optimal states exhibit tonically depolarized cortical …
unknown. One hypothesis holds that optimal states exhibit tonically depolarized cortical …
Hippocampal spatial representations exhibit a hyperbolic geometry that expands with experience
Daily experience suggests that we perceive distances near us linearly. However, the actual
geometry of spatial representation in the brain is unknown. Here we report that neurons in …
geometry of spatial representation in the brain is unknown. Here we report that neurons in …
Representational drift in the mouse visual cortex
Recent studies have shown that neuronal representations gradually change over time
despite no changes in the stimulus, environment, or behavior. However, such …
despite no changes in the stimulus, environment, or behavior. However, such …
Consciousness is supported by near-critical slow cortical electrodynamics
Mounting evidence suggests that during conscious states, the electrodynamics of the cortex
are poised near a critical point or phase transition and that this near-critical behavior …
are poised near a critical point or phase transition and that this near-critical behavior …
Choice certainty is informed by both evidence and decision time
Summary" Degree of certainty" refers to the subjective belief, prior to feedback, that a
decision is correct. A reliable estimate of certainty is essential for prediction, learning from …
decision is correct. A reliable estimate of certainty is essential for prediction, learning from …
Deep neural networks rival the representation of primate IT cortex for core visual object recognition
The primate visual system achieves remarkable visual object recognition performance even
in brief presentations, and under changes to object exemplar, geometric transformations …
in brief presentations, and under changes to object exemplar, geometric transformations …
Information-limiting correlations
Computational strategies used by the brain strongly depend on the amount of information
that can be stored in population activity, which in turn strongly depends on the pattern of …
that can be stored in population activity, which in turn strongly depends on the pattern of …
The secret life of predictive brains: what's spontaneous activity for?
Brains at rest generate dynamical activity that is highly structured in space and time. We
suggest that spontaneous activity, as in rest or dreaming, underlies top-down dynamics of …
suggest that spontaneous activity, as in rest or dreaming, underlies top-down dynamics of …