Recent progress in the development of molecular-scale electronics based on photoswitchable molecules
X Huang, T Li - Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Molecular electronic devices with tunable conductance states show great potential in
building memories and logic components for next-generation circuits. In recent years …
building memories and logic components for next-generation circuits. In recent years …
Recent progress of photochromic materials towards photocontrollable devices
Y Ru, Z Shi, J Zhang, J Wang, B Chen… - Materials Chemistry …, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Purely organic photochromic materials, which can undergo photo-induced reversible
switching between two isomers, have received enormous attention in the last decade, due to …
switching between two isomers, have received enormous attention in the last decade, due to …
Highly efficient photoswitch in diarylethene-based molecular junctions
Thin layers of diarylethene oligomers (oligo (DAE)) were deposited by electrochemical
reduction of a diazonium salt on glassy carbon and gold electrodes. The layers were fully …
reduction of a diazonium salt on glassy carbon and gold electrodes. The layers were fully …
A Chemically Soldered Polyoxometalate Single‐Molecule Transistor
C Wu, X Qiao, CM Robertson, SJ Higgins… - Angewandte …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Polyoxometalates have been proposed in the literature as nanoelectronic components,
where they could offer key advantages with their structural versatility and rich …
where they could offer key advantages with their structural versatility and rich …
Tunable symmetry-breaking-induced dual functions in stable and photoswitched single-molecule junctions
The aim of molecular electronics is to miniaturize active electronic devices and ultimately
construct single-molecule nanocircuits using molecules with diverse structures featuring …
construct single-molecule nanocircuits using molecules with diverse structures featuring …
Light-driven modulation of electrical conductance with photochromic switches: bridging photochemistry with optoelectronics
Photochromic conducting molecules have emerged because of their unique capacity to
modulate electrical conductivity upon exposure to light, toggling between high and low …
modulate electrical conductivity upon exposure to light, toggling between high and low …
Electrochemical potential‐driven high‐throughput molecular electronic and spintronic devices: from molecules to applications
Molecules are fascinating candidates for constructing tunable and electrically conducting
devices by the assembly of either a single molecule or an ensemble of molecules between …
devices by the assembly of either a single molecule or an ensemble of molecules between …
Light-induced switchable adsorption in azobenzene-and stilbene-based porous materials
Despite the long history of porous materials as adsorbates, fundamental limitations remain
regarding the efficient capture and release of the gas molecules, with the working capacity of …
regarding the efficient capture and release of the gas molecules, with the working capacity of …
Unprecedented on/off ratios in photoactive diarylethene-bisthienylbenzene molecular junctions
Photoactive molecular junctions, based on 4 nm thick diarylethene (DAE) and 5 nm thick
bisthienylbenzene (BTB) layers, were fabricated by electrochemical deposition. Total …
bisthienylbenzene (BTB) layers, were fabricated by electrochemical deposition. Total …
The Conductance Isotope Effect in Oligophenylene Imine Molecular Wires Depends on the Number and Spacing of 13C-Labeled Phenylene Rings
We report a strong and structurally sensitive 13C intramolecular conductance isotope effect
(CIE) for oligophenyleneimine (OPI) molecular wires connected to Au electrodes. Wires …
(CIE) for oligophenyleneimine (OPI) molecular wires connected to Au electrodes. Wires …